The risk of developing cancer related deaths in men can be reduced by opting for a better cardio-respiratory fitness, revealed a study published in British Journal of Sports Medicine


A recent long term study conducted in Denmark showed that men who had good cardio-respiratory fitness were known to be associated with a healthy heart.  An individual with a good cardio-respiratory health shows a sign of healthy life style.  Cancer arises due to unhealthy lifestyle and lack of proper physical activity. Therefore, cancer can be preventable by following a healthy lifestyle.

The study was conducted on a total of 5131 men who were around 49 years old and were free from cancer. Apart from the above criteria, all men were subjected to VO2 test, which is a test performed to determine the capacity of oxygen processed by a person while exercising.

Researchers said that it is not enough to be physically active but it is important to be physically fit. Good fitness and health can be achieved by following regular physical activity.

Overweight and obese men have higher levels of estrogen which alter the insulin levels and the insulin resistance in the body. The hormonal variations have been identified as one of the reasons of increased risk of cancer among men.

Hence, physically active men have lesser chances of developing cancer and have better recovery rate when compared to physically inactive men.