Crohn’s disease is categorised by chronic inflammation and erosion of the intestines, and affect different areas of the bowel, stomach, or intestines. The exact cause of Crohn’s disease is still unknown; however, health experts believe that it may be due to the immune system response to food or bacteria in the intestines or bowel lining. This is thought to be the cause of severe inflammation related to Crohn’s disease.

There are five different types of Crohn’s disease, each type affects different regions of the digestive tract. Each type of Crohn’s disease is related to exhibiting its own distinct symptoms, particular to the regions of the digestive system. Treatment mode depends on the type and severity of the condition.

Also Read: Crohn’s Disease: Causes, Symptoms And Treatment

Types of Crohn’s disease include:



Gastroduodenal Crohn’s Disease


Crohn’s Colitis

At times some individuals may experience more than one type of Crohn’s disease at the same time, this indicates several parts of the digestive tract may be affected at once.

The Five Types Of Crohn’s Disease


Generally, most people with Crohn’s disease suffer from ileocolitis. This type of Crohn’s disease causes inflammation and irritation in the ileum (the lower region of the small intestine) and colon. Those with ileocolitis may experience symptoms such as:


Weight loss

Pain in the middle or lower -right part of the abdomen


Like ileocolitis, ileitis also causes inflammation and irritation of the ileum. The symptoms of ileitis are the same as those of ileocolitis. Further, people with ileitis may also develop a fistula in the lower-right section of the abdomen.

Gastroduodenal Crohn’s Disease

Gastroduodenal Crohn’s disease usually affects the stomach and duodenum. Nausea, lack of appetite and weight loss are some of the common symptoms associated with Crohn’s disease. Vomiting is also observed when any small parts of the bowel become blocked due to intestinal inflammation.


This type of Crohn’s disease develops in the jejunum (the second part of the small intestine) where it results in inflammation. Some of the symptoms experienced by people suffering from jejunoileitis include:

Abdominal cramps after meals



Intense abdomen pain or discomfort

Crohn’s (Granulomatous) Colitis

This type of Crohn’s disease affects the colon, which is the main region of the large intestine. It can lead to fistulas, ulcers, and abscesses forming around the anal region. Some of the symptoms include:

Skin lesions

Joint pain


Rectal bleeding

Also Read: Crohn’s Disease: Here’s What You Should Eat And Avoid To Treat This Inflammatory Disorder


Generally, people with Crohn’s disease do not show any signs and symptoms all the time. Instead, they may have a certain period where the disease is active and causes severe symptoms followed by a remission phase where they do not exhibit any symptoms.

There are various treatment modes available to effectively manage this inflammatory disease.


During the active phase, the doctor may offer treatment to ease the symptoms and reduce inflammation. Additionally, any nutritional deficiency caused due to poor digestion is also taken care of. The healthcare providers recommend certain prescription medications such as




Antidiarrheal drugs

Immune suppressants

Your doctor may also prescribe dietary supplements if you have a nutritional deficiency.


Fistulas, abscesses, intestinal obstruction, and haemorrhages are some of the complications that may develop in some people with Crohn’s disease. In such cases, surgery may be preferred to remove the inflamed part of the bowel. Though surgery may not offer a complete cure, it can help people be in the remission phase, symptoms free for several years at a time.

Lifestyle Changes

Even during the remission phase of Crohn’s disease, it’s vital to know how to effectively manage the condition, to avert severe flare-ups and damage to the digestive system.

Thus, it is important to lead a disciplined lifestyle, get regular exercise, eat a nutritious and well-balanced diet, quit smoking, and stay stress-free. Also, when the disease is active, it is essential to avoid common triggers that may flare up the condition such as spicy and fibre rich foods.