Finding the right shampoo will help you to win your struggle against hair loss issues.Herbal Shampoo

Though you may use shampoos once or twice in a week, the right kind of shampoo plays a huge role in maintaining the volume and strength of your hair.

Thanks to the growing awareness, herbal and natural products are becoming quite popular. There are several good herbal shampoos available in the market made from natural ingredients like amla, hibiscus, tulsi, shikakai etc.

These products also save us from the hassle of cutting, boiling and preparing these ingredients to wash hair.

Just pick the right kind of herbal shampoo for your hair for cleansing, moisturizing, conditioning the hair and also for treating issues like dandruff.


Shikakai is very popularly known as the fruit of the hair and the most important component in herbal hair care products. It works as an amazing natural cleanser that doesn’t take away your natural oils from hair and at the same time maintains the pH of the hair. The pods of shikakai are heaped with saponins that have the potential to clean the excess sebum and dirt from the scalp. Use a shikakai shampoo for your hair to grow stronger and denser.


Amla comes with impressive nutrients that are considered as a magic component for hair. This wonder herb has been used for centuries in Ayurvedic medicine for curing hair problems. It is also proven by research that amla can add volume to the hair. Amla can nourish the hair and scalp and prevents premature greying of the hair. It can also darken hair colour naturally. Go for amla shampoo if you want to get rid of hair loss.

Reetha/ Soapnut

Reetha /Soapnut powder is one of the natural herbs that has been used for hair care since ancient times. Soapnut is gaining popularity in recent days for its unique hair care properties. It is an important ingredient in most of the herbal-based shampoos. Washing with reetha powder makes your hair look lustrous and silky. Pick soapnut based shampoo for an instantly thick, lustrous hair.

Neem Leaves

Neem “The divine tree of India is used for many centuries for its impressive medicinal benefits. The strong anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory and anti-viral properties of neem can treat any scalp issues and irritation and works well to promote hair growth and wards off dandruff and lice. Neem shampoos clear dandruff from scalp and keep it free from lice.


Cinnamon is one of the widely used herb in the Indian cuisine. You must be surprised to know that this wonder herb also works well in stimulating and increasing the blood circulation of hair follicles. It possesses anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties and works wonders in treating scalp problems even while nourishing the hair growth. If you are suffering from itchiness, dryness and other skin issues related to scalp and hair, try these shampoos made of cinnamon.