Insomnia is often referred to various symptoms like sleeplessness, hard to stay asleep, waking up too early and not able to catch your nap back is a common sleep disorder. Insomnia affects most adults at some point in their lives and it can be both acute and chronic.

Can’t Sleep? Check For These Insomnia Triggers

Insomnia can make you feel drained out of your energy, alter with the moods, affect your performance at work and also quality of life.

The symptoms of Insomnia include difficulty to sleep, waking up in middle of the night or very early, not feeling rested, tired and sleepiness in the daytime.

Reasons That Can Trigger Insomnia:

1. Stress: Stress is the primary factor that can cause sleeplessness. Thoughts related to work, family, trauma of losing a loved one, work pressure can trigger insomnia.

2. Work Schedule: To sleep well, your circadian rhythm should sync properly. Circadian rhythm is an internal body clock that regulates sleep pattern and metabolism. Being jet lagged, working for late hours or night shifts, frequent traveling can disturb circadian rhythm often making you an insomniac.

3. Irregular Habits: Irregular sleep habits like watching television till late night, delayed dinners, spending longer hours on video games, smart phones or any other screen time will interfere with the sleep pattern. 

4. Too Much Eating: Unhealthy eating habits often lead to sleep disturbances. Too much of eating can cause discomfort while lying down in the bed, can cause acidity, heartburn. It may also trigger a back flow of food into the esophageal region leading to sleep disturbances.

5. Sleep Related Disorders: Sleep related disorders like sleep apnea, restless leg syndrome causing irresistible desire to move them can disrupt sleep.

Tips To Handle Insomnia:

Most cases of insomnia can be treated without medication. Few simple tips can help catch a sound sleep.

1. Stick to a sleep schedule including weekends. This helps your body get used to a pattern of going to sleep and waking up.

2. Stay active, do some workouts that helps in promoting a good sleep.

3. Try not to eat heavy before the bed time.

4. Keep your bedroom tidy, clean and as comfortable as possible.

5. Take a warm bath, drink hot milk or listen to good music before hitting the bed. 

When To See A Doctor:

See a doctor if you are unable to sleep and function normally during the day. Your doctor may assess the problem behind causing sleep disorders and refer for tests.