Brussels sprouts, a small cabbage-like vegetable of the cruciferous family is an exceptionally rich source of protein with just one serving/cup to meet the daily requirement of Vitamins C & K. Brussels sprouts contain plenty of folate, potassium vitamin, manganese and loads of other nutrients. Brussels Sprouts Nutrition Facts 


One cup of cooked Brussels sprouts provides the Recommended Daily Allowance:

  • Calories - 56 gms
  • Protein - 4 gms
  • Fiber- 4 gms
  • Vitamin K - 274%
  • Vitamin C - 162%
  • Vitamin A - 24%
  • Folate - 24%
  • Manganese- 18%
  • Potassium - 14%
  • Vitamin B6 - 14%
  • Thiamine (Vitamin B1) - 12%
  • Iron - 10%



Protects Against Cancer

Brussels sprouts contain compounds called glucosinolates and isothiocyanates that may reduce your risk of cancer. Studies show that eating Brussels sprouts may reduce the risk for colon cancer and increases the body's defense against cancer progression.  

Improves Bone Health

Brussels sprouts are the richest source of Vitamin K with over 270% of Recommended Daily Value in a serving. Vitamin K helps in keeping the skeletal structure healthy and prevents osteoporosis.  

Boost Immune System

Brussels sprouts are loaded with Vitamin C, and boost the immune system, reducing inflammation and cell damage. Antioxidants in Vitamin C keeps your immunity strong against bacteria, viruses, toxins and other harmful invaders that can cause disease and illness.  

Reduces Risk of Heart Disease

Brussels sprouts loaded with antioxidants, Vitamin K and Vitamin C that work together to clear plague formation, lowers cholesterollevels and blood pressure and helps to increase blood flow and supports strong blood vessels and reduces the chance of heart attack.  

 Protects Eye & Skin Health

The antioxidants Vitamin C and Vitamin A in Brussels s sprouts aids in slow aging, boosting eye health, skin’s immunity, and promotes new cell growth.