Bael or wood apple also known as Bilva in Sanskrit, Bilva Pazham in Tamil, Bilva or Maredu Phalam in Telugu and Bengal Quince is a native to India, Malaysia, Thailand, Sri Lanka and Southeast Asian countries. 

Bael that goes with the botanical name Aegle marmelos is a middle-sized tree, with slender branches, pale brown bark that often oozes an edible gum. The leaves of bael are quite unique, trifoliate in shape which means each leaf consists around 4 to 12 pairs of side veins adjoining at the margin.

Despite interchangeable – the word ‘Wood Apple’ should not be confused with another similar fruit Kaitha Bael in Hindi, Velaga Pandu in Telugu, Vilam Palam in Tamil that goes with the botanical name Limonia acidissima as these both fruits differ in taste, colour and properties.

The Bael fruits are globose in shape, with a hard exterior and it doesn’t split open even upon ripening. The raw fruits look greenish grey while the woody exterior turns yellow upon ripening. The ripened fruit contains aromatic pulp with around 10 to 15 seeds, enclosed in a sac filled with natural adhesive.

Bael fruit

Bael tree also has a huge religious significance in Hindu scriptures. Believed as the favourite tree of Lord Maha Shiva, the goodness of this botanical wonder found a special mention in Rig Veda and is also believed as the residence of Goddess Lakshmi for wealth and prosperity. Bilva leaves, fruits form a major part while worshipping Lord Shiva.

Bael fruits are a power punch of various nutrients like beta-carotene, protein, riboflavin and vitamin C. It is loaded with vitamin B1 and B2, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, carotene and possesses good amounts of minerals like calcium, potassium, fiber and good fats.

These fruits are also popular for antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and laxative properties and it has been in use for its medicinal and therapeutic properties in Ayurveda, Siddha and other forms of alternate medicine for thousands of years.

And if you are wondering, how to include these hard-exterior fruits in your daily diet, the best way is to drink homemade bael sherbet. Popular in Odisha and West Bengal this sherbet serves as an instant body cooler and an energizer on a sunny day.

Bael fruits doesn’t split open even after getting ripened. Choose a pale yellow, sweet smelling fruit and try breaking the shell with a hard object. Scoop out the pulp to make this easy sherbet.

How To Make Bael Sherbet or Juice At Home:

Bael Sherbet is a traditional recipe, often found in the households of North Eastern India, especially during summers. This natural coolant not only quenches your thirst but also provides instant energy, thanks to its nutrients.

Bael juice


3-4 medium sized ripe Bael fruit

4 cups of chilled milk

1 cup of water

12 spoons of jaggery powder or as required

2 tbsp cardamom powder

1 tbsp black salt


Wash the fruits and use a rolling pin to hit the hard shell from all around.

Once it breaks, crack open and scoop out the pulp from within.

Take the pulp in a bowl and add water to it.

Mash the pulp till it softens and turns into semi-fluid consistency.

Strain the mixture to remove any solid particles or impurities.

Now add the remaining ingredients like chilled milk, cardamom powder, jaggery and black salt to the bael pulp.

People suffering from diabetes, can add chilled water instead of milk, black salt and cumin seed powder to the fruit pulp to get a healthy alternative to this sweet sherbet.

You can increase or decrease the consistency of the sherbet by adding water as desired.

Pour the sherbet in a glass and enjoy the yummy drink.

Nutritional Benefits of Bael Sherbet

The Bael Sherbet is a nutritious health drink as it is packed with various healthy ingredients.


The antioxidants present in this fruit cure gastric ulcer, aid in digestion, and treat diabetes. The laxative property prevents constipation and the anti-fungal components keep infections at bay.


Milk being a powerhouse of calcium helps in strengthening the bones and boosts your immunity and metabolism. Cold milk if used in the drink relieves from acidity and soothes the stomach and aids in weight loss.


Jaggery being the unrefined form of sugar and is a natural source of iron. It cleanses the body, reduces menstrual pain, prevents anemia, boosts immunity, aids in digestion, detoxifies liver and prevents constipation.

Cardamom Powder:

Cardamom, the aromatic Indian spice reduces high blood pressure, treats gastro intestinal disorders, prevents infections, reduces cavities and treats bad breath.

Bael (Wood Apple), Nutritional value per 100 g (3.5 oz)

Energy                 137 kcal     

Carbohydrate      31.8 gm

Fat                        0.3 g

Proteins               1.8 gm

Vitamin A            55 mcg

Vitamin C             60 mg

Thiamine             0.13 mg

Riboflavin             1.19 mg

Niacin                   1.1 mg

Carotene              55 mcg

Calcium                85 mg

Potassium           600 mg

Fiber                    2.9 gm

Water                  61.5 g

* Source as Per USDA

Benefits of Bael

Bael is loaded with a myriad of nutrients which include vitamins A, B1, B2, C and minerals calcium, potassium and iron. The host of plant compounds in bael is beneficial in treating tuberculosis, hepatitis, ulcer and digestive problems. Furthermore, it is also a good source of tannins which aid in treating cholera.

1. High on Carbs:

Bael being high on carbohydrates provides ample amounts of energy to the body for carrying out various bodily activities. Consumed in a limited quantity, it helps the brain cells to work better, aid in digestion and keeps a check on the cholesterol level.

2. Rich in Potassium:

The abundance of potassium in Bael makes it an appropriate fruit for people suffering from hypertension. It prevents the arteries from hardening, thus reducing strokes and preventing heart ailments. The richness of potassium in bael helps to eliminate sodium through urine and also eases the tension on the blood vessel walls which helps in lowering the blood pressure and treating the various symptoms of hypertension.

3. Loaded with Calcium:

Calcium being the second abundant element present in Bael is vital for bone health. It attributes to the strengthening of teeth, bones and prevents osteoporosis. It also plays a major role in in controlling loss of blood in case of injuries.

4. Iron Rich:

Bael being a rich source of iron acts as a natural blood purifier and increases red blood cell and hemoglobin count in blood. It is extremely beneficial for people suffering from anemia.

5. Abundance of Vitamins:

Bael being loaded with Vitamins has innumerable health benefits. It is a rich source of Vitamins A, B and C and the presence of these multivitamins make Bael the number one choice among fruits in the treatment of eye problems, digestive disorders, heart ailments, skin diseases and by preventing the body against infections and enhancing the overall immunity.

6. Powerhouse of Antioxidants:

The high content of phytochemicals such as flavonoids attribute to the antioxidative properties of Bael making it a potent fruit against heart and liver ailments, reduces high cholesterol and is also useful against various infections.

Bael uses

Therapeutic Benefits of Bael:

1. Bael for Management of Diarrhea and Cholera:

The anti-bacterial and anti-parasitic properties and the presence of tannins in Bael help in fighting against the infection called shigellosis which causes diarrhea and treats cholera. Studies show that people consuming ripe Bael in the form of juice or just pulp got cured of cholera and diarrhea.

2. Bael for Diabetes:

The active constituent “Feronia gum” present in the bark and branches of the bael tree have reportedly shown helpful properties in controlling diabetes. It regulates the production of insulin from the cells into the blood stream and low glycemic index of bael maintains the blood sugar level.

A glass of Bael juice (not on empty stomach) every morning has proven beneficial for people suffering from diabetes.

3. Bael for Digestion and Constipation:

Bael is an apt fruit for curing many digestive issues due to its anti- bacterial, anti- fungal properties. It is recommended for people suffering from stomach ulcers as the high content of tannin in its leaves reduces inflammation. The laxative properties of Bael help in cleaning the intestines and prevent constipation.

Regular consumption of Bael juice with a pinch of salt and pepper has been known to show wonders in treating constipation.

4. Bael for Scurvy:

Scurvy is a disease caused due to the deficiency of Vitamin C in the body resulting in sore arms and legs and weakness. Bael having a load of vitamin C acts as a boon for people suffering from Vitamin C deficiency and cures the disease in no time.

5. Bael for Earaches:

This is one of the least known benefits of Bael but holds much importance in getting effective results. The anti-bacterial properties of Bael help in treating infections and removing solidified wax from the ear, thus, preventing problems related to hearing.

6. Bael for Skin Problems:

Due to the presence of the anti-bacterial properties in Bael, it is highly effective against skin infections, cures many skin disorders and promotes skin health.

7. Bael For Blood Purification:

Bael also plays a key role in lowering the levels of cholesterol of the blood. It is useful in treating heart, liver and kidney problems. Due to the high amount of potassium, it purifies the blood, removes toxins and boosts the overall immunity of the body.

8. Bael For Heart:

Being a natural antioxidant and a cardio-protective fruit, Bael has been found to have a positive effect on the heart and hence plays a pivotal role in treating a host of heart ailments. It not only strengthens the heart muscles, drops cholesterol levels in the blood but also prevents lipid accumulation, which in turn reduces the risk of atherosclerosis, heart blocks, heart attacks, blood clots, etc. 

9. Bael For Respiratory Anomalies:

Imbued with anti-inflammatory, anti-biotic, and anti-asthmatic properties, bael holds high significance in treating the common cold, cough and flu symptoms. It also thins and loosens rheum deposits within the chest and nasal cavities and hence eases breathing and helps the body to get rid of mucus. It is also beneficial in treating bronchitis and asthmatic conditions.

10. Bael For Hair:

Apart from uplifting overall health, Bael has been a boon for promoting hair growth since ancient times. The anti-microbial nature of the plant treats various scalp and hair infections like folliculitis, itching and dandruff. It nourishes the hair follicles with essential nutrients, improves blood circulation and strengthens the hair strands from the roots. By normalizing the secretion of the stress hormone, it also prevents hair fall and breakage due to stress and anxiety.

11. Bael For Lactation

On daily consumption, bael or any of its formulation help increase the production of prolactin and corticoids, which in turn induces galactagogue action and thereby helps in improving lactation and the quality of breast milk. This is extremely beneficial towards the young ones since breast milk is ideal for their nourishment and helps strengthening their immune system.

Consume juice of bael along with dry ginger powder and a pinch of jaggery to improve galactagogue action.

12. Bael For Controlling Cholesterol

Bael plays a quintessential role in detoxifying the body by removing AMA toxins from the body. It controls triglycerides, serum and tissue lipid profiles and also reduces the accumulation of LDL cholesterol (i.e. Low-Density Lipoproteins or bad cholesterol) within the body. This action in turn improves metabolism and helps the body to shed weight faster.

Bael For Mouth Ulcers

The glycoprotein secretions of bael have been found in various studies to be extremely effective in treating different types of stomach ulcer including peptic and ulcerative colitis and even treat colic pain. Owing to its soothing properties, the pulp of bael when applied on ulcers or blisters within the oral cavity helps in speeding up the healing process.

Bael Benefits For Skin Radiance And Skin Health

Cures Skin Rashes

The presence of anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-inflammatory properties in the bael plant makes it an excellent remedy for skin anomalies. Bael leaf extracts and bael oil kills harmful types of fungus that can cause mild to severe skin infection. It can also be beneficial to heal skin rash and itchy skin bumps.

Soothes Inflamed Skin

The anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, anti-viral, and anti-fungal properties of Bael in its root, bark, leaves, and fruits are a natural and mild astringent. This amazing fruit imbued with all these effective properties works on an imbalanced pitta dosha and soothes swollen skin.

Augments Collagen Production

Bael juice is a rich source of Vitamin C as well as potent antioxidants, which help in fighting free radicals from the body. This prevents the symptoms of oxidative stress in the body thus enhancing collagen production which withers away with age.

Bael in Ayurveda

Bael or Bilva holds much significance in Ayurveda due to its wide range of benefits. Ancient Ayurvedic scriptures also mention Bael as one of the “Dashamoolas” i.e. roots having anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties. Each and every part of the tree has a therapeutic benefit.

The fruit has Katu (pungent), Tikta (bitter) and Kashaya (astringent) properties. It has Ushna Virya (hot potency) and Katu Vipaka (i.e. pungent metabolic property). It aggravates the Pitta doshas (digestion) and pacifies Vata (air) and Kapha (earth and water) doshas.

The fruit when taken unripe is very effective in improving digestion and preventing constipation.

The ripe fruit has Madhura ras (sweet taste) but aggravates all three doshas. However, it plays a key role in treating and curing diarrhea and cholera.

The roots of the plant prevent vomiting and nausea.

Churna from the leaves of the plant balances the three doshas and is effective in preventing abdominal colic pain, dyspepsia and gastritis.

Decoction of the stem or bark of the plant plays a key role in treating heart related ailments, improves digestion and treats rheumatoid arthritis.

The wonder fruit can be used in various forms:

Kapiva Bilwadi Churna/ Kapiva Bael Sunth Churna:

This potent Churna or powder of the dried bael fruit or leaves of the plant possess anti- bacterial, carminative and anti-inflammatory properties and play a significant role in the treatment of diarrhea and dysentery, aid in digestion and prevent constipation.

Apart from the active ingredient Bilva, the powder also contains saunf (fennel), hing (asafetida), dhania (coriander) and sonth (ginger), that contribute to body’s metabolism and aid in bioavailability of the nutrients in the food.

How To Make Bilva Churna at home:

bael churna


2 kgs of bael fruit pulp


Place the pulp of the bael fruit under direct sunlight for 2-3 days till it dries completely.

Grind the sun-dried pulp into a fine powder.

Sieve it to remove any solid particles or impurities.

Store it in an air tight container for later use.

The same steps can be repeated using Bael leaves as well.

With your doctor or physician’s consultation, the churna can be consumed regularly with water to get the desired benefits.

Bilva Tail (Bilva Oil)

The roots of this magic plant can be used to prepare an oil which is highly effective in curing ear diseases.

Bilwadi Gutika

Ayurveda also suggests the use of this potent fruit in the form of gutika or tablets for the treatment of insect bites and fever.

Effect On Doshas:

Shatavari, the queen of herbs, is sanctified with Katu (i.e. pungent taste), Kashaya (i.e. astringent taste) and Tikta Rasa (i.e. bitter taste) and Guru (i.e. heavy), Tikshno (sharp) and Snigdha Guna (i.e. unctuous or oily quality). It inherently portrays Ushna Virya (i.e. hot potency) and Katu Vipaka (i.e. pungent metabolic taste). Being an incredible herbal ingredient, Bilva, pacifies all three doshas, i.e. Pitta (fire and air) doshas and Vata doshas (i.e. air) and Kapha (earth and water) doshas. Also Read: Introduction To Ayurveda: Learn About Vata, Pitta And Kapha Doshas

Bael Supplements

The goodness of Bael is also available to us nowadays in the form of tablets and capsules which benefits our body by curing diarrhea and dysentery, improves our digestion and treats various gastro intestinal disorders.

Bael is an amazing fruit which is very common in the Indian kitchens throughout the summer season. Due to its extensive nutritional benefits, it can be relished in the form of juices, smoothies, pickles and jam etc.

Bael Dosage:

The effective therapeutic dosage of Bael may vary from person to person depending upon the age, body strength, effects on appetite, severity, and condition of the patient. It is firmly recommended to consult an ayurvedic doctor or practitioner as he or she would evaluate the patient’s indications, past medical conditions and prescribe an effective dose for a specific period.

Bael Churna / Powder - ¼-½ teaspoon twice a day.

Bael Kwath/ Juice/ Decoction - ½-1 cup twice a day along with water after meals.

Bael Capsule/ Tablet/ Gutika - 1-2 capsules twice a day.

Bael Candy - 4-5 candies or as per your requirement.

We bring you two super easy and yummy recipes to enjoy this summer:

Bael Recipes

Bael Panna/ Bael Smoothie


200 gms of ripe Bael fruit pulp

2 mashed ripe bananas

4 tbsp yogurt

3-4 tbsp mango pulp

4-5 tbsp sugar

2 cups of chilled water

1 cup grated coconut

2-3 tbsp mango ginger powder

1tbsp cardamom powder

1 tbsp black pepper

1 tbsp black salt


Add water to the Bael pulp and mash until it becomes soft.

In a large bowl, pour all the ingredients viz. banana, yogurt, mango pulp, mango ginger powder, cardamom powder, sugar, pepper and black salt and keep on stirring until it achieves a smooth texture.

Add the Bael puree to it and blend the mixture.

Strain the entire mixture to remove any hard particles.

Pour it in a glass and garnish the smoothie with grated coconut on top.

Refrigerate and enjoy the delicious smoothie.

Nutritional Value

The highly nutritious and healthy blend of bael, mango, banana and yogurt sprinkled with pepper and rock salt makes this smoothie useful to beat the excessive summer heat. It soothes the stomach, aids in digestion and also satiates your hunger by giving a feeling of fullness.

Bael smoothie

Bael Chutney or Bael Pickle


3 ripe bael fruit pulp

½ tsp mustard seeds

2 tbsp chana dal

1 ½ tbsp urad dal

9-10 dry red chilli

8-9 curry leaves

½ cup water

½ tsp asafoetida

1 tbsp jaggery

1 tbsp oil

salt as needed


Scoop out the bael pulp and mash with a little water to soften it.

Heat oil in a cooking pan and add the mustard seeds.

Once the seeds crackle, add chana dal and urad dal in the pan and saute the ingredients till they turn brown.

Add the red chillies, asafoetida, salt and jaggery and saute for a few more minutes.

Reduce the flame and add the mashed bael pulp and curry leaves to the sauted spices and dal.

Cook for a few minutes to mix all the spices and the bael pulp together under low heat.

Once the cooking is over, keep aside and cool it down.

Blend the entire thing in a blender by adding little water to make a thick paste.

Add salt, sugar and water to get the desired taste and consistency of the chutney.

Refrigerate and enjoy the sweet and sour chutney.

Nutritional Value

Since all the spices are sauted, the pickle can be enjoyed for a week. The nutritional benefits of Bael aids in digestion while addition of curry leaves to the pickle eliminates bacteria and prevents diarrhea, dysentery and constipation. Relish the tasty pickle with idli or dosa, spread it on bread or chapati or enjoy it as a side dish with rice.

Adverse effects of Bael

Like any other Fruit, Bael too exhibits certain side effects.

Since the fruit is useful to lower diabetes, over consumption of bael along with other diabetes supplements may cause your blood sugar level to drop too low.

As the fruit is high on tannins, excessive consumption of it over a prolonged time period without doctor’s consultation may cause your body to exhibit carcinogenic properties.

Extract or powder of the leaves are believed to be extremely harmful for pregnant women. So, consult a doctor if you are pregnant or breast feeding.

Bael aids in digestion but being loaded with carbohydrates it may cause stomach problems and constipation.