Anemia is a common medical condition affecting millions of people worldwide. It can occur at any age; in this condition, the body lacks enough healthy red blood cells to carry sufficient oxygen to its tissues. While various factors can cause anemia, iron deficiency anemia is one of the most prevalent types. 

In this article, we will explain how iron supplements can help and the essential dos and don'ts to consider when taking iron supplements. Read on. 

What is Anemia? 

Anemia is a common health condition characterized by a reduced number of red blood cells or a decrease in hemoglobin in the blood. Hemoglobin is a protein in the red blood cells, and it binds to oxygen, allowing it to transport oxygen from the lungs to the body's tissues.

 When there is an insufficient supply of red blood cells or hemoglobin, the body doesn't receive enough oxygen, triggering various symptoms and health issues. 
iron supplements

Also Read: Anemia: 5 Awesome Natural Remedies To Boost Your Iron Levels

 Causes and Symptoms of Anemia:

 Iron-Deficiency Anemia:

 The most common type of anemia is iron deficiency anemia, which happens when the body lacks sufficient iron to produce hemoglobin adequately. It is caused by insufficient dietary iron intake, poor absorption of iron in the gut often found in patients with celiac disease or a history of gastrointestinal surgeries), and increased iron loss (through menstruation, pregnancy, or chronic bleeding disorders).

 Patients with iron deficiency anemia suffer from constant fatigue, weakness, pale skin, shortness of breath, cold hands and feet, dizziness, headache, and brittle nails.

 There are several other types of anemia, like vitamin-deficiency anemia, caused by the deficiency of B12 or folate; hemolytic anemia - where the body destroys red blood cells prematurely; and aplastic anemia, a sporadic condition in which the bone marrow cannot produce enough blood cells. 

Also Read: Vitamin B12: Functions, Food Sources, Deficiencies and Toxicity

 Common symptoms include fatigue, pallor, rapid heartbeat, and difficulty concentrating.

 How Iron Supplements Can Help?

 Iron supplements are a standard and effective treatment for iron-deficiency anemia. They can help replenish the body's iron stores and boost the production of hemoglobin, improving the oxygen-carrying capacity of red blood cells. 

 Here's how iron supplements can be beneficial:

 Increasing Iron Levels: 

 Iron supplements provide the body with the necessary iron to produce more red blood cells and hemoglobin, alleviating anemia symptoms.

 Improved Energy: 

 As the body's oxygen supply increases, individuals often experience reduced fatigue, increased energy levels, and improved overall well-being. 

Enhances Cognitive Function: 

 Proper oxygenation of the brain is essential for cognitive function. Iron supplements can help improve concentration and mental alertness. 

Dos and Don'ts While on Iron Supplements:


  • Before starting any iron supplements, you must talk to your doctor to understand the appropriate dosage and rule out underlying medical conditions. 
  • Take iron supplements as prescribed by your healthcare provider. Do not self-prescribe or exceed the recommended dose, as excessive iron intake can be harmful. 
  • Consuming iron supplements with vitamin C can enhance iron absorption. Foods like citrus fruits and broccoli are good sources.
  • Adequate hydration is essential for proper iron absorption. Drink plenty of water throughout the day.


  • Avoid taking iron supplements with calcium-rich foods, dairy products, antacids, or tea, as they can inhibit iron absorption. 
  • Iron supplements may cause side effects like constipation, nausea, or stomach discomfort. 
  • Inform your healthcare provider about other medications or supplements, as some medicines may interact with iron supplements. 
  • While iron supplements can address iron-deficiency anemia, it is also essential to identify and treat the underlying cause of anemia for a long-term solution. 


Anemia, especially iron deficiency anemia, is a prevalent condition that can significantly affect a person's quality of life. Understanding the causes and symptoms of anemia is essential for timely diagnosis and treatment. Iron supplements are crucial in managing iron-deficiency anemia and can alleviate symptoms, provided they are taken correctly. Consult your doctor for personalized advice and follow dos and don'ts to ensure safe and effective supplementation. Individuals with anemia can enjoy improved health and well-being with proper care and treatment.