There are many ways to lead a healthy life. Right from practicing mindful eating, regular workouts, and staying away from tobacco and alcohol to being stress-free, there are many ways we can take care of our overall wellbeing. Yet, one more significant step all of us tend to forget but should practice irrespective of the age group is to get specific basic diagnostic tests done every six months to one year.

When doctors say prevention is better than cure, they mean it! And let us assure you that being aware of your health doesn’t make you a hypochondriac; it, in fact, will serve you as an eye-opener and would help you in making swift dietary and lifestyle changes for long, healthy life.
Diagnostic Tests is dedicated to the health and wellbeing of our customers. We have curated various lab and imaging tests for the benefit of customers, and they can be availed under multiple affordable packages. 

Choose from our packages, Netmeds Swasthya, Netmeds Shield Pack, Netmeds Health Pack, and Netmeds Diabetic Checkup, and various other imaging tests, including ECHO, ECG, PET Scan, Ultrasound Whole Abdomen as per your doctor’s recommendations.

Our services are available in 2000-plus locations, and the samples can be collected at the convenience of your home. What’s more? You can avail up to an 80 percent discount! 

This week, as a part of our 7th-Anniversary series, we bring you seven diagnostic tests one should ensure get done periodically.

Complete Blood Count:

A complete Blood count or complete hemogram is a basic lab test that can establish a strong correlation between your symptoms and internal health. This test looks for more than ten different components, including the count of white blood cells, red blood cells, platelets, ESR, hemoglobin, hematocrit, neutrophils, mean cell hemoglobin, red cell distribution width, etc. CBC helps the doctors evaluate the overall health, from anemia, immune disorders, and infections to detecting leukemia. Your doctor would prescribe more tests based on the Complete Blood Count results for further investigation and diagnosis.

Also Read: Complete Blood Count: What Is It And What To Expect?

Diabetes Test:

Diabetes mellitus is a chronic condition and is, unfortunately, prevalent among all age groups. High levels of blood sugar are being detected even among those in their 20s, and if not handled swiftly, diabetes can play significant havoc with health. Levels of elevated blood sugars can be seen easily by running simple blood tests. Your lab technician takes blood samples on fasting (usually early in the morning after an overnight fast), postprandial two hours after eating breakfast.

These tests measure glucose levels in the bloodstream. Elevated levels of blood sugar indicate diabetes. Your doctor may also periodically recommend HbA1C to estimate the average blood glucose levels in the last three months. These tests help you maintain blood sugar levels within the prescribed range with the help of medication and lifestyle changes.

Also Read: Diabetes Mellitus: Know Your Fasting, Post-Prandial, HBA1C Numbers

Vital Organ Function Tests:

The liver, heart, and kidney are vital organs in the human body. Even among youngsters, it is also uncommon to detect hyperactive or underactive thyroid gland functioning. Go for these profile tests at least annually to safeguard your complete health.

Liver Profile Test:

Liver function test or liver panel test is a blood test that evaluates various enzymes, proteins, and other components produced by the liver. A single blood sample measures the levels of albumin, total protein, Alanine Trasaminase (ALT), Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP), Aspartate Aminotransferase (AST), bilirubin, Lactate Dehydrogenase, etc.

This blood test also aids in diagnosing hepatitis, cirrhosis, jaundice, liver cancer, effects of certain medication, and other liver disorders.

Lipid Profile Test:

A lipid profile test is prescribed for estimating the risk of cardiovascular diseases. This blood test looks for the levels of LDL, HDL cholesterol, triglycerides, total cholesterol, Very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL), Cholesterol, HDL ratio, total lipids, serum triglycerides, phospholipids, etc. Abnormalities in lipids indicate the risk of heart attack and other cardiac ailments.

Also Read: Yogasanas For Heart: 5 Incredible Yoga Poses To Keep Cardiac Anomalies At Check

Kidney Profile Test:

A kidney function test is done by collecting blood and urine samples to measure Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR) to assess how efficiently these vital organs are able to clear the waste from the body. This test asses for components like serum creatinine, blood urea nitrogen (BUN), creatinine clearance, potassium, electrolytes, several minerals, and protein.

Your doctor would assess the complete kidney function based on these tests.

Thyroid Test:

The thyroid is a small butterfly-shaped gland in the neck responsible for regulating various bodily functions. An overactive or underactive thyroid can leave you with fatigue, unintended weight gain, decreased heart rate or rapid panting, and severe sensitivity to heat and cold. A thyroid blood test assesses the presence of two thyroid hormones - thyroxine (T4) AND triiodothyronine (T3) for diagnosing conditions like hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, Graves’ disease, Hashimoto’s disease, and cancer of thyroid nodules and the gland.

Vitamin Deficiency Test:

Feel tired all time? Then, it’s time to check for the levels of vitamins in your body. Vitamin deficiency can cause severe fatigue, brittle nails, hair, bleeding gums, vision problems, scratchy skin, etc. The Vitamin profile test looks for the mineral, calcium, and iron deficiencies that indicate a lack of specific vitamins in your system. Take this simple test for preventing various health conditions to beat infections. 

Also Read: Vitamin B6: Functions, Food Sources, Deficiencies and Toxicity

Keep Your Health Conditions Under Check. Choose From Our Wide-Range Of Diagnostic Tests Today!

Ultrasound Abdomen:

Abdominal ultrasound is a painless, non-invasive imaging technique that provides a view of organs inside the stomach region. It is recommended to diagnose the health conditions related to the gallbladder, blood vessels in the stomach, colon, kidneys, liver, pancreas, and spleen. It is also prescribed to detect abdominal aortic aneurysms, underlying reasons behind stomach pain and bloating.

This test is performed by a radiologist with the help of a device known as a transducer. When pressed gently on the abdominal region, the transducer projects images that show the functioning and blood flow through the structures for accurate diagnosis. 

Also Read: Digestive Health: Easy Ways To Reduce Bloating


Electrocardiogram or ECG is a standard, simple, non-invasive test that checks for the heart’s activity and its electric rhythm. The instant results recorded by a machine are prescribed in case of palpitations, shortness of breath, and chest pain. ECG records arrhythmias or abnormal heartbeat, heart attacks, cardiomyopathy, and coronary heart disease. The cardiologist, with the help of simple graph-like data, can immediately evaluate the functioning of the heart and start the due procedures for saving the life. 

Also Read: Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy: Symptoms, Causes, Complications And Treatment


An echocardiogram is an ultrasound scan that assesses the heart's functions and nearby blood vessels. A small probe gently pressed on the chest projects high-frequency ultrasound waves, allowing the doctor to view heartbeats and pumping blood. ECHO helps diagnose severe heart conditions like cardiomyopathy, heart failure, congenital heart disease, endocarditis, etc. Your cardiologist would decide upon the course of treatment based on the images. 

Besides above-mentioned tests include other health check-ups as per your health condition.

For timely guidance and help in getting these tests done, please check out our lab tests section.