Magnetic Resonance Imaging or MRI Scan is a widely used diagnostic procedure, which employs strong magnetic fields coupled with radio waves, to generate clear elaborate images of the internal organs and tissues in the human body. The functional technique behind MRI was first developed by distinguished British physicist Peter Mansfield and renowned American chemist Paul Lauterbur, for which they were jointly awarded the 2003 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. Since then, MRI has revolutionized the field of medicine and healthcare, providing an advanced, non-invasive and painless method to probe the inner parts of the system and precisely determine any signs of disease.
Magnetic Resonance Imaging or MRI Scan

What Are The Uses Of MRI Scan?

An MRI scan has a multitude of uses, including spotting tumours or cysts in different organs within the body, checking for irregularities in the brain and spinal cord, determining heart valve defects, liver problems and joint injuries. It is also extensively utilised in the diagnosis of various ailments, deciding on the appropriate treatment procedure depending on the severity of the illness and even assessing the efficacy of long-term treatments in chronic conditions such as cancer.

Also Read: Heart Valve Disease: Causes, Symptoms And Treatment

The Magnetic Resonance Imaging equipment and technology involved in an MRI scan is very expensive and offers several benefits such as:

  • Detecting brain and spinal cord conditions of multiple sclerosis, stroke, brain tumour, spinal cord defects, eye and inner eye abnormalities
  • Identifying heart valve faults, damage to cardiac vessels from a heart attack or cardiovascular disease (CVD), obstructions in the blood vessels
  • Checking for hepatic maladies by scanning the liver and determining signs of kidney malfunction
  • Examining reproductive organs of uterus, ovaries in women and prostate in men for any cysts, tumours or signs of illness

Also Read: Multiple Sclerosis: What Is It


Before the procedure, the patient can generally consume a normal meal unless the doctor advises otherwise. After filling out some hospital forms about their medical history, the individual should remove all metallic objects from their body. These comprise accessories such as jewellery, watches, belts and hearing aids. The doctor or radiologist then provides a hospital gown for the patient to wear, which is loose-fitting so as to effectively scan all the internal organs.

The patient is made to lie flat on the scanning bed and slowly made to go under the MRI scanner which is a wide cylinder that is open on both sides. The patient can communicate with the doctor/radiologist throughout the scan via an intercom in case they are feeling uneasy. Once all necessary images are obtained, the patient is taken out of the scanning chamber and can resume all normal activities as usual. Depending upon the number of organs being scanned, an MRI scan usually takes between 15 minutes to 1 hour.


An MRI scan is a non-invasive procedure that does not cause any pain to the patient. Moreover, the radiations also do not induce any damage to cells and tissues in the body and hence the entire procedure is very safe for most individuals.

However, an MRI scan is not recommended for women during pregnancy and breastfeeding and also for heart patients with a pacemaker. Furthermore, if an individual suffers from claustrophobia which is the fear of confined spaces, then the doctor makes them go under the scanner with their feet first, to make them feel comfortable while obtaining images of their interior body tissues.


Once the required images are scanned and obtained from the MRI machine, the radiologist or doctor analyses the visuals to look for any defects in the internal organs of the brain, spinal cord, heart, liver, kidneys and other tissues.

The patient is then requested to consult with the doctor, who gives them a detailed explanation of the results of their MRI scan. Upon confirming the diagnosis of any ailment they may have, the doctor advises the individual on the pertinent treatment to aid in full recovery.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is An MRI Scan Safe?

Yes, MRI scans are considered safe for most individuals. Unlike X-rays and CT scans, MRI does not use ionizing radiation, which makes it a safer imaging option. However, patients with certain conditions, such as pacemakers, cochlear implants, or metal fragments in their bodies, may not be suitable candidates for an MRI due to potential safety concerns.

 What Can An MRI Scan Diagnose?

MRI scans can diagnose a wide range of medical conditions, including brain and spinal cord disorders, joint and musculoskeletal problems, abdominal and pelvic conditions, tumours, cardiovascular issues, and more. It is particularly effective at visualizing soft tissues and organs, making it a valuable tool for accurate diagnosis and treatment planning.

 Can I Eat Or Drink Before An MRI Scan?

In most cases, an MRI scan doesn't require any special preparation and you can eat and drink normally. However, if your doctor requires specific preparations, such as fasting before the scan, they will inform you during the appointment scheduling process.

 Is An MRI Scan Painful?

No, an MRI scan is not painful. Unlike blood tests, this procedure is non-invasive and does not involve piercing with any needles or injections. Some patients may experience slight discomfort due to the need to lie still during the scan, but this is generally well-tolerated.

 Can I Have An MRI Scan If I Am Pregnant?

MRI scans are generally avoided during pregnancy, especially during the first trimester, as a precautionary measure. If there is a medical necessity to perform an MRI while pregnant, your doctor will carefully assess the risks and benefits and take appropriate precautions to ensure the safety of both you and the baby.