November 14, is celebrated as Children’s Day, as a tribute to our first Prime Minister of the country late Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru. Nehru once said, “The children of today will make the India of tomorrow. The way we bring them up will determine the future of the country.”Introduce your child to a Healthy Lifestyle

Bringing up a child is a major task and it is a collective responsibility of all Indians to ensure physical, mental and emotional well-being of each child in our country.

Unfortunately, despite several scientific, medical and technical advancements leading a healthy lifestyle remains a distant dream for the younger generation because of the fast-paced life and day-today challenges faced by parents and elders.

If you are parent, grandparent, teacher or a guardian looking after the well-being of a child, here are few simple tips on how to ensure a healthy living for the younger ones.

Get Your Child Active:

An active child is a healthy kid. Ensure regular physical activity for proper growth, weight gain, mental development and well-being. Encourage your child to play outdoor sports, take up swimming at least for 3 days a week to strengthen muscles and bones.

No Fizzy Drinks, Just Juice And Milk:

If your child likes to guzzle down aerated drinks, stop it right away. Explain children why water is the best source to quench thirst and how natural fruit juices can help in growth. Milk is a wholesome food, great source of calcium, a quintessential item for the growing body, ensure your child drinks two glasses of milk daily.

Include Fruits And Veggies:

Eating lots of fruits and vegetables daily plays a vital role in boosting immunity and it will also reduce the risk of developing chronic diseases at a later stage in their lives. Doctors recommend at least 2 fruits a day and five types of vegetables in the daily diet. Include dry fruits like cashew, almonds, pista, raisins for a daily dose of calcium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium and good fats like omega 3.

Healthy Snacking Only:

Unhealthy snacking is a strict no-no for a growing body. Deep fried food items kill appetite, discourage child from relishing healthy foods. Wholegrains, nuts, fruits, vegetables, protein bars are healthy snack choices while regular eating of chocolates, pastries, chips leads to obesity even at a very young age.

Reduce Screen Time:

The major problem faced by a majority parents is to stop children from ‘screen addiction’. With gadgets easily available these days, children are leading a sedentary lifestyle, grabbing more screen time and playing video games that may have a negative impact on their minds. Instead, ensure a range of indoor and outdoor activities for your child instead of watching TV or playing on the computer.