Salt, the quintessential ingredient in our foods, often receives unjust criticism from the health experts. 5 Popular Salt Myths Debunked

Doctors, food and nutrition experts caution us to eat food with less salt content to maintain a good cardiovascular health and to keep many diseases at a bay.

Is salt really that bad? Salt, a composition of sodium and chloride is necessary for maintaining fluid balance in the body, muscle contractions, nerve and other major functions.

However, there are many common myths associated with salt and its effects on the health. Learn about the truth behind salt and its effects on our wellbeing. 

Myth: Salt Causes Blood Pressure


If you thought excessive intake of salt will only cause high blood pressure, think again. Increased amounts of salt can lead to gastric cancer, stomach ulcers, bone issues and neurological issues.

High salt intake doesn’t cause high blood pressure, it just contributes it to spike. So, limit your salt intake to prevent various deadly diseases, not just blood pressure. 

Myth: Salt Intake Affects Everyone In The Same Way


It is widely believed that all of us respond in a similar way to salt in our body. That’s not true. Several studies show that many of us are either salt resistant or sensitive to the salt and it depends on various factors like age, body type, diet and even race, ethnicity.

If your body is retaining more water, you may be sensitive to salt and may cause repercussions in the long run. Talk to your doctor to understand how your body is reacting to sodium and what’s the ideal amount of salt for you. 

Myth: Not Using Salt In Food Cuts Out Sodium Intake


Even if you don’t add salt to the dishes that you are cooking, you are still consuming sodium. Processed foods, pasta sauces, breads, crackers, biscuits come packed with sodium and it’s time to avoid it completely. Look for salt content and choose low sodium products from the stores.

Myth: Food Without Salt Is Bland


While we agree that food doesn’t taste as good without required amount of salt, but it does not need to be bland. Instead of adding spoons of salt, including herbs, lemon, garlic, pepper to give that extra flavor and zing to the dishes. However, adding salt to home-cooked foods is far better than eating processed food.

Myth: Youngsters Don’t Have To Worry About Salt Intake


Not true again as youngsters are also at the risk of various diseases caused due to excessive salt. High levels of sodium in the food affects the functioning of heart, kidney leading to water retention. Lots of fluid in the body, puts pressure on the arteries and can increase the heart disease and high blood pressure.

Youngsters too should be mindful of the amount of salt they are consuming daily.