Jamun, well-known as Black plum or Indian blackberry is a highly nutritious fruit that floods the summer markets due to its delightful taste and rich load of therapeutic benefits. Blessed with diuretic, carminative and antiscorbutic properties, the vibrant purplish-black coloured fruit holds high significance in treating a host of ailments including heart problems, arthritis, asthma, stomach pain, bowel spasm, flatulence and dysentery. Also Read: Jamun: Medicinal Uses, Therapeutic Benefits For Skin, Diabetes And Supplements

Obtained from the jamun tree which goes by the botanical name Syzigium cumini, this fruit is native to the Indian sub-continent. It has a distinct sweet taste with sour and astringent undertones. This succulent juicy fruit provides only 3 to 4 calories compared to other sweet fruits and hence can be a part of a diabetic diet.

Jamun is a mother lode of essential nutrients like calcium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, and folic acid. Along with this, the array of polyphenolic compounds and bioactive constituents make this fruit extremely beneficial for both medicinal and commercial use.

Coined as the ‘fruit of gods’ jamun is also used extensively as a form of medicine in the holistic healing remedies of Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani and Chinese medicines. Ayurveda strongly promises the use of this fruit in pacifying various Pitta and Kapha disorders. The juice of this fruit is used to treat digestive disorders like diarrhea, dysentery, and dyspepsia. It also boosts female reproductive functioning and promotes overall health and immunity.

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Check out this infographic for knowing some of the fantastic health incentives of jamun:

jamun health benefits