Basa fish bears the scientific name Pangasius bocourti and is commonly called swai, Vietnamese cobbler and river cobbler. It is a type of catfish that is native to the rivers of South-East Asian countries, particularly Vietnam.

However, due to its pleasant pastel appearance and only very minor fishy smell, basa fish has gained widespread popularity as a food in the last decade, being exported to nations worldwide. Yet another factor that works in favour of the basa is its texture – light, floaty yet stable that makes it very easy to incorporate it into various traditional dishes, including customary Indian recipe like dals, curries and fried crisps.

Basa fish abounds in numerous vital essential nutrients such as omega-3 fatty acids DHA (Docosahexaenoic Acid) and EPA (Eicosapentaenoic Acid), which vastly promote heart health, by enabling normal blood circulation via blood vessels namely arteries, veins and capillaries. Eating a meal at lunch or dinner comprising baked basa fish or a measured portion of shallow-fried basa fillets significantly decreases the risk of obtaining cardiac ailments like arrhythmia, myopathy and coronary artery disease.

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Furthermore, basa fish are also packed with copious amounts of high-quality proteins, encompassing all the essential amino acids, besides healthy fats, negligible cholesterol and sodium, vitamin A and vitamin D, to ensure maintenance of normal blood pressure, enhanced eyesight and strong bones. While it is not ideal to consume this tasty catfish variety daily, eating controlled helpings of basa fish every other diet vastly nourishes physical and mental health, while avoiding any side effects. Also Read: Basa Fish: Health Benefits, Nutrition, Advantages For Wellbeing, Recipes And Health Risks

Foray through this infographic, that vividly portrays the marvellous merits that basa fish offer, for augmented overall wellbeing.

basa fish health benefits