Holidays are around the corner and that means you would be eating a lot more, guzzling down few extra drinks and it’s a happy, merry time!Detox

While there are plenty of ideas around on ‘how to look good’ during the festive season, in this article we will tell you how following a simple detox routine can help you glow from within.

Detoxifying helps in cleansing the system, nourishing the body, eliminate toxins, provide healthy nutrition besides protecting body from winter diseases. If you are dealing with fatigue, puffy eyes, allergies, bloating, irritated skin, go for detoxification right away.

Read on to know how you can detoxify your system naturally.

Sleep A Lot:

Nothing helps in rejuvenating the body like a sound sleep. Good amount of sleep assures weight loss, reduces release of cortisol hormone that is related to high levels of stress, releases endorphins and happy hormones and makes the skin glow. Make sure to set the right temperature in the room, keep gadgets away and binge sleep for at least 10 hours at a stretch. After all, sleeping requires no effort. Just sleep till you feel totally refreshed.

Drink Water:

Drink lots of water soon after waking up. Water provides instant hydration to the body and also refreshes and energizes each and every cell in the body. Another recommended drink is plain lemon water as it stimulates digestion, releases toxins from the liver, produces good amounts of digestive enzymes and gives ample amounts of Vitamin C to fight infections.

Take Lots of Breaks:

Be it at home or at office, try taking frequent but small breaks. Get up from your chair, walk around, take stairs. If possible, try simple stretch exercises as it reduces fatigue, improves blood flow to the muscles, burns calories and contributes to good cardiovascular health.

Herbal Teas:

Keep herbal teas handy if you are on a detox tour. Chuck your morning coffee or black tea, instead sip on green, chamomile or ginger teas regularly. These teas are loaded with antioxidants that would provide with glowing skin, boost your metabolism and also soothe throat from cough and cold.

Get Going:

Make sometime for a walk, riding a bike or for a jog. These are simple workouts that would keep you happy and active for rest of the day, help you lose those extra calories and make you productive for rest of the day. Stop checking social media accounts in the morning, keep away from gadgets before you finish your morning workout.