Summer Skin Care Tips
Exfoliate for Clearer, Smoother Skin
Exfoliate for clearer, smoother skin
Remove dead, dulling skin debris to prevent blocking the pores & improve hydration from toners and moisturizers.When: Perform in the mornings before applying toner, moisturizer, SPF & make-up. Tip: Make-up will last longer on exfoliated skin!
Always Use Sunscreen
Always Use Sunscreen
Refresh your bottle of sunscreen- throw away last year's unused sunscreen. Invest in a new sunscreen that has UVA and UVB, and says Sun Protection Factor (SPF) 30 or SPF 70. Make sure you use lots of sunscreen that it takes ONE FULL MINUTE to rub into your face & body. Make sure you apply to your face & exposed body parts one hour before going in the sun then reapply every 1-2 hours.
Hydrate Your Body with a Lotion
Hydrate your body with a lotion
Light lotions that are absorbed faster work best in summer. Make sure you apply lotion right after you dry off from your shower. You need to seal in the moisture your body just soaked in.
Drink Plenty of Water
Drink Plenty of Water
Drink at least 8 glasses of water - carry a water bottle with you & remember to sip from it at least once every 30 min. Water helps you feel fresh, prevents dehydration, and will help wash out a lot of toxins.