Neem is an amazing gift from the bounty of Mother Nature and it plays a vital role in enhancing skin and hair health. Be it Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha, or modern Allopathy medicine, Neem always served as a miracle ingredient in healing various ailments, thanks to its both antibiotic and antiseptic properties.

Neem leaves, paste and juice

The healing properties of Neem are unique as all parts of the tree - be it flowers, bark, stem, twigs, seeds, leaves are extensively used in the preparation of medicines, toothpaste, mosquito repellents, soaps, shampoos and other cosmetics. Neem is a natural remedy for combatting skin and hair related issues like acne, pimples, dandruff, frizzy hair etc.

Skin Cleanser

The strong antibacterial properties of neem work well in dealing with acne breakouts, pimples and blackheads. It helps in removing the excess oil and dirt, cleanses the skin from deep within the skin pores. Make your own natural skin cleanser by boiling a handful of neem leaves in half a litre of water until it turns green. Cool it and store the neem water in a jar and use this water regularly to cleanse your face and neck with help of cotton ball.

Nourishes Skin

The strong anti-inflammatory properties of neem help in healing skin issues like skin irritation, burns and mild skin infections. Neem leaves are also effective in nourishing dry skin. Make a paste of neem powder with rose water and apply it as a face pack, let it stay for 15 minutes and rinse well, making your skin glow naturally.

Applying Neem Face Mask

Clears Dark Circle

Dull, dark spots under your eyes can really be annoying and can give away your age. Thanks to the umpteen beauty properties, Neem leaves are one of the best ways to treat dark circles under the eyes. Boil few neem leaves in water and let it cool, dip a cotton ball in this water and place it under your eyes. Do this regularly for a week to reduce dark circles under the eyes.

Anti-Dandruff Hair Care

Neem works as an amazing natural remedy to treat dandruff and dry scalp owing to its purifying properties. It plays a crucial role in increasing blood circulation in the scalp thereby strengthening the hair follicle from the roots and preventing hair fall. The potent anti-microbial property in th neem leaves in also prevents various scalp infections. Boil a handful of neem leaves and wash your hair with this liquid to thwart off dandruff. Massaging neem oil on the scalp helps in strengthening hair follicles and promotes hair growth.

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