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Acne pimple cream treats pimples and skin eruptions, at the same time keeping skin soft and smooth. It has amazing astringent, medicinal and cooling properties perfectly suited for treating acne.

  • Its herbal ingredients have excellent astringent, styptic, and cooling properties
  • Useful for acne treatment with shea butter
  • Nourishing

Wash or clean face and apply a small quantity of cream over the affected areas. Use twice in a day for best results.

Disclaimer: The product information contained herein is for informational purposes only, and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. does not endorse the appropriateness or reliability of this informa

Ingredients: Neem extract, Basil extract, Teatree oil, calendula extract, Clove extract, Cinnamon bark extract, camphor, Lavender extract, Turmeric, base qs

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