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Thyme and Rosemary is well-known for their utility in hair problems. Thyme has antiseptic properties and stops hair loss by stimulating blood circulation in the hair follicles. Rosemary is known for stimulating the hair-bulbs to renewed activity and preventing premature baldness. While Bhringaraj pacifies vata-dominated hair problems, amla prevails over pitta-dominated hair problems. Bel nourishes the brain cells and makes sure that good quality hair is produced. This unique combination of herbs proves very effective in controlling excessive hair loss. The regular use of the oil provides nourishment to damaged and devitalized hair. It is extremely useful against premature greying, loss of luster and thinning of hair leading to the strands breaking off. It is good for hair loss or alopecia and promotes hair growth.
  • Prevents hair loss and dandruff
  • Nourishes the hair follicles
  • Prevents premature baldness
  • Useful against premature greying
  • Rub the oil gently into the roots of the hair.
  • Steam head using a hot water towel. Apply oil or wash hair
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Key Ingredients: Amla - Emblica officinale, Rosemary - Rosmarinus officinalis, Thyme - Thymus vulgaris, Bhringraj - Eclipta alba, Belgiri - Aegle marmelos
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    Item Weight
    120 g
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