If you in an advanced stage of pregnancy, eagerly waiting to meet your little one then this is for you! As your expected date of delivery (EDD) nears, you may get a lot of free and unsolicited advice, on how to handle things prior and soon after the labour. 

Woman Arranging Her Maternity Bag

Don’t let it bog you down. Get ready and chalk your own plans. Here are a few essentials in your maternity bag will come in handy and ease things for you and those assisting you at the hospital. 

Essentials In a Maternity Bag: 

Talk to your doctor on the essentials you would require in your maternity bag. These days, many hospitals provide you with a list of things that you and your baby would need during the stay in hospital. Talk to hospital authorities if you will be provided with some essential items like absorbent pads, toothbrushes, pillows as it will save you from carrying extra luggage. 

Feeding Gown:

Feeding gowns top the list as doctors encourage you to feed the baby within one hour of the birth. Specially designed soft feeding gowns comforting and relaxing both for the mother and baby.

Nursing Bras:

Nursing bras are a must-have as they provide ultimate comfort to the lactating breasts. Many nursing bras accommodate to absorb leaking breast milk and save from embarrassing situation. Also pack in few disposable pads as they keep you dry for hours and ease lactation. 


Yes! Listening to good music is really soothing and comforting for both the new mother and baby. Record few of your favourite songs and request your doctor if you can play it in your room. Good and melodious music helps in shifting your mood, feel positive and happy. 

Make-Up Kit:

Just because you delivered, you cannot be denied the right to look good! Pack in your regular make-up essential, lip balms, moisturizers however talk to your doctor if it alright for you to go for mild makeup and pose with your child. 


Capturing the very first moments between you and your baby will be very fulfilling, emotionally appealing forever in your lives. Many hospitals these days are offering services of a photographer. You can engage your own photographer or can assign the task of taking beautiful pictures immediately to somebody in the family or friends.  

Baby Bag:

Besides packing your essentials, prepare a bag to welcome your new born too! Stuff it with sterilized baby clothes, diapers, baby comforters and wipes that would come in handy immediately.