November 1 is World Vegan Day, celebrated annually across the globe to spread the many merits of veganism for human beings, animal welfare, and the environment. This event serves as a great opportunity to encourage and motivate people to follow a vegan lifestyle. World Vegan Day was founded in 1994 by Louise Wallis, the Chair of the Vegan Society, the UK to commemorate the 50th anniversary of establishing the organisation and coining of the term vegan and veganism.

The practice of veganism is believed to be in the world for more than 2000 years, while vegetarianism has been there for even 500 years before veganism. This lifestyle practice was followed by Pythagoras, the famous Greek mathematician and philosopher who endorsed the idea of being kind to all kinds of species living on the planet. However, the idea of veganism came into being in the year 1806, Dr. William Lambe and Percy Bysshe Shelley objected to the use of dairy and eggs for ethical reasons during this period.
World Vegan Day

During this day several campaigns are held every year by various organizations like PETA and other NGOs to address the concerns and motivate people to adopt veganism for optimising overall physical and mental well-being.

Also Read: Vegan Diet: Types, Health Benefits, Foods To Include, Recipes And Side Effects

Significance Of World Vegan Day

Veganism is a lifestyle choice for every individual who wishes to follow, and it is considered very healthy. This event is observed to make the populace understand the benefits of a vegan diet and promote it. From not being able to consume dairy products, meat, eggs, and a supply of other animal based by-products not being utilised, veganism has its own pros and cons. A person can follow a vegan diet by understanding the real benefits and disadvantages of this lifestyle.

Benefits of Vegan Diet

Healthcare experts,  nutritionists and dietitian in unison support veganism, as this diet, can uplift the mental health and well-being of a human being.

Some of the reasons to consider adopting a vegan lifestyle and perks one can gain while being vegan include:

A vegan diet is wholesome, and it supplies the body with all essential nutrients needed for growth and repair.

Veganism can help one effectively achieve and sustain weight loss goals.

Vegans are at low risk of suffering from chronic disorders like diabetes, cancer, heart disease, heart attack, obesity, and stroke.

Many diabetic patients following a vegan diet have been able to reduce the dose of medication they take. Furthermore, it stabilizes blood glucose levels, improve insulin secretion, and kidney function.

Certain types of cancer incidences may be averted with a vegan diet. As per the World Health Organization, about 1/3 of all cancers can be totally prevented by adopting a vegan lifestyle and it also lowered the risk of people dying from cancer.

A vegan diet aids in boosting skin health, repairs and nourishes the skin from deep within.

Following a vegan lifestyle can uplift mood and combat stress and anxiety.

Most essentially, veganism fights for animal rights and thus save their lives.


The vegan diet is gaining huge popularity in recent times owing to its indispensable health incentives. Being kind to animals is one main reason to observe World Vegan Day. Well, lesser usage of animal products means lesser emission of gasses, which means earth becomes a better place for survival for all.