Every year on October 13 World Thrombosis Day is observed globally to raise awareness among the populace about the impact of this disorder, its causes, prevention, and treatment. The International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis initiated this health event in 2014 to focus attention on the often ignored and misunderstood condition of thrombosis. This day earmarks the birth anniversary of a renowned physician, pathologist, biologist, and anthropologist, Rudolf Virchow, who developed the concept of thrombosis and improved people’s knowledge and understanding of this condition.

As per statistics, thrombosis-related problems cause one in every death worldwide. In India, the prevalence of deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism develops at an annual incidence of about 1 per 1000 adults. The risk of thrombosis increases dramatically after the age of 45 and is slightly higher in men than women in older age.
World Thrombosis Day 2022

Significance of Thrombosis

Thrombosis is the formation of a blood clot inside the blood vessel resulting in obstruction of blood flow via the circulatory system. When a blood vessel is damaged or injured, the system makes use of platelets and fibrin to form a blood clot to avert blood loss. Sometimes, without any injury, blood clots may develop in the body under certain medical problems. Thrombosis is usually characterized by the type of blood vessels involved and the exact location or the organ supplied by it. Deep vein thrombosis is the formation of a blood clot within a deep vein. Whereas upper extremity DVT is the blockage of an arm vein by a thrombus. Likewise, there are other ways too in which it can be caused -a stroke.

This year’s theme for World Thrombosis Day 2022 is “Eyes Open to Thrombosis”, which highlights the need to be vigilant and identify the early warning signs of thrombosis before the condition worsens.

Early diagnosis and appropriate treatment can help save the lives of the sufferers. Latest reports reveal that there are 1 in 4 people who die of thrombosis each year, which is more than the fatality caused by breast cancer, prostate cancer, and bike accidents. Also, this year's theme motivates people to know more about this disorder so that patients can receive the right treatment within an appropriate time to effectively manage this condition.

Also Read: World Thrombosis Day: Know About The Different Types Of Thrombosis

5 Potential Ways To Prevent Thrombosis

Millions of people are being diagnosed with blood clot disorders every year and almost most of them have and don’t know it. If you’re at risk, there are simple actions to prevent deep vein thrombosis which include:

 Regular Exercise

Getting regular exercise like walking, swimming, and bicycling are all great physical activities that will help manage weight, shed extra kilos, and improve the blood flow in the body. Also, any extended sitting while at a desk or when driving or in front of a screen can be very harmful. So, start by simply standing or moving around every hour to get your blood pumping and help your body stay active.

Quit Smoking

If you smoke, quit, as smoking constricts the blood vessels which increases the risk of developing blood clot disease. Try using nicotine patches, gums or sprays, and prescription medications, along with other support systems, which can make quitting smoking easier.

Monitor Blood Pressure

Check your blood pressure every three months or as advised by your physician. Take hypertensive drugs if recommended by your doctor. Moreover, staying active, practicing healthy eating habits, and quitting smoking will help you to regulate uncontrolled blood pressure.

Also Read: Blood Pressure Monitors: How To Check BP At Home Methods And Benefits

Inform Your Doctor

If you or your close family members have had any blood-clotting issues.

If you’re on birth control pills, hormone therapy, or are pregnant

Precautions When Traveling

On longer flight journeys of more than 4 hours, get up and move around. Also, use the time to walk and stretch between connecting flights.

While traveling by car, take a short break, stop when you can walk around

However, if you’re stuck in your seat, then work muscles in your legs often throughout the trip:

  • Stretch your legs
  • Loosen your feet
  • Press your toes down

Drink plenty of water but avoid coffee and alcohol. As these drinks will dehydrate you, which makes veins narrower and blood thicker, thus increasing the risk of a blood clot.

Don’t wear short, tight socks, and cross your legs a lot. Try wearing compressing stocking, as they will help improve blood flow and lessen swelling.