On the occasion of World Glaucoma Week, read on to know more about this challenging eye condition and ways to prevent it.

Glaucoma is a group of severe eye conditions that can result in damage to the optic nerve. As the conditions progress, it may even lead to permanent loss of vision.

Glaucoma is termed as a buildup of pressure inside the eye and is often liked to inheritance. Doctors refer increased pressure as intraocular pressure, that can damage optic nerve which plays a crucial role in transmitting images to the brain.

Risk Factors:

Glaucoma happens as a result of deterioration of the optic nerve, leading to high fluid pressure in the front part of the eye. Other causes include sharp injury to the eye, blocked blood vessels and conditions that could have caused swelling in the eye.

Glaucoma Day

Types of Glaucoma

Glaucoma is classified into two types:

Open-Angle Glaucoma:

Also called as wide-angle glaucoma, the trabecular meshwork – the drain structure in the eye might look normal but fluid fails to flow, like it should.

Angle Closure Glaucoma:

Also known as chronic glaucoma, the drain space between iris and cornea becomes too narrow under this condition, causing sudden buildup of pressure. It is often caused to farsightedness or cataracts.

Symptoms of Glaucoma:

The typical signs and symptoms include loss of vision, seeing halos, hazy eyes, nausea and vomiting, eye pain and redness.

How To Prevent Glaucoma:

If you have had a family history of glaucoma, you should get tested annually. There are no proven methods to prevent this dangerous eye disorder. However, some lifestyle changes may delay its progression.

Timely Diagnosis:

Regular eye-checkups play a key role in diagnosing glaucoma. It can be prevented if it gets diagnosed in the early stages. Certain medications help in slowing down the progression of the condition.


Several studies prove that moderate exercises like walking, jogging can lower intraocular pressure and prevent damage to the optic nerve.


Some yogic poses can cause relaxation, however avoid doing inverted asanas like headstands, shoulder stands.

Eye Wear:

Wear protective eye gear especially while playing sports and working under hostile climatic conditions.

Avoid Injuries:

Eye injuries can lead to secondary glaucoma or traumatic glaucoma. If you are playing or working with blunt objects, be very careful and prevent all sorts of injuries.