COVID-19 has disrupted our lives like never before and for many, the normalcy is yet to return. Working, learning from home is the new routine and if you thought, getting rivetted to your chairs and staying put at home for longer hours will save you from joint and bone disorders, think again.

On this World Disability Day, let us look at how inactivity can cause severe bone and joint problems, compromising your quality of life.
Ashok S. Gavaskar, Orthopaedics

Apart from trauma and certain non-traumatic emergencies, degenerative arthritic conditions, spinal disorders, inflammatory arthritis are among other medical emergencies that would require attention to avoid deterioration.

Osteoarthritis (OA)

OA is a widely prevalent degenerative joint disease that wears down the protective cartilage between bones. This leads to swelling, pain and stiffness. Unless treated in time, can lead to prolonged pain and immobility


Mobility is life. COVID 19 may have made you homebound for the last 3 months, but that should not prevent you from being mobile. Take your exercises seriously. Prolonged immobility, hormonal changes in females post-menopause can result in loss of bone density and make them vulnerable for fractures. If a consultation is required, make sure you visit your doctor in a safe manner

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Inflammatory joint conditions like rheumatoid arthritis can cause serious and rapid damage to your joints. Active continuation of your treatment is necessary and planned visits to your doctor is mandatory.

Fractures In The Elderly

Take fractures in the elderly seriously. Do not neglect them because of COVID 19. These patients often benefit immensely from early interventions which is the key to get them back on their feet.

  • Dr. Ashok S. Gavaskar, (MBBS, MS Ortho, FACS, Fellow (AAOS, Ao, Sicot), Senior Consultant and Clinical Lead, Orthopaedics, Dr. Rela Institute & medical Center Chennai)


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