The Annual International Breast Cancer campaign is observed every year during the month of October to increase the awareness of this life-threatening condition and to educate people in understanding the causes, symptoms, diagnosis and various treatment options.

The yearly campaign also works towards providing financial support to the patients suffering from breast cancer by raising funds. Early screening, testing are organized in hospitals, health camps across the globe throughout this month.

Breast cancer is a type of cancer which causes abnormal cellular multiplication of the breast tissues. Initial indications of breast cancer may include a hard lump inside the breast, changing of the breast shape or size, discharge from the nipples, pain in the breast or armpit, shrivelled skin on the breast and a red scaly patch on the breast.

World Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Although people get scared and wary at the thought of breast cancer, one should keep it in mind that it is completely treatable when diagnosed early. In a few cases, the tumour may not be malignant. Also Read: Breast Cancer: Know About Symptoms And Treatment

In this article, let us dispel some popular myths and beliefs about Breast Cancer, backed by science:


Wearing an underwire or tight bra causes breast cancer.


There is no need to worry while wearing an underwire bra or a tight bra as there is no scientific evidence supporting this myth. Although the internet, has been fuelling myths like wearing an underwire bra can stop outflow of lymphatic fluid causing built-up of toxins, there is no scientific proof or study supporting this.


If you maintain a healthy weight, have a well-balanced diet, avoid alcohol and smoking and exercise regularly, you don’t have to worry about breast cancer.


Even though an individual is following a healthy lifestyle with a balanced diet and regular exercise, it still cannot totally eliminate or prevent breast cancer. But following a healthy lifestyle does reduce the risk of cancer.


If you use an underarm spray or antiperspirant, you can get breast cancer


It is a popular myth that underarm sprays and antiperspirants containing harmful chemicals like aluminium can get absorbed by the lymph nodes under the arm, ultimately leading to breast cancer. There is no proven evidence or link that these sprays can cause breast cancer.


Breast Cancer always feels like a lump.


Breast cancer does cause a hard lump. But in certain cases, in the initial stages, it might not feel like a bump. By the time, the lump occurs, it must have already spread. People often believe in this and avoid mammograms and undergo a self-examination. Go for proper diagnostic procedures to rule out breast cancer.


Older, middle-aged women get breast cancer.


Although rare, women of all ages can get breast cancer. It is true, that breast cancer is more common in older women above 45 but teenagers and women under 30 can also get diagnosed by it. Hence, women of all ages must perform regular self-examinations at home and get an immediate check-up on feeling or visualizing some concerning signs and symptoms. Also Read: Early Breast Cancer In Teens: Symptoms & Treatment