What is AIDS

The Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is a virus. It attacks the cells in the body that enable the immune system protect against disease. People with HIV may become more and more vulnerable to illnesses if HIV virus is undiagnosed & untreated. The HIV viruses weaken the immune cells and multiplies in the body. World AIDS Day 2017: Everyone Counts

Aids Is A Medical Diagnosis

Doctors diagnose a person as having full-blown AIDS when he/she is infected with HIV & has either a low count of immune cells, an infection that won't go away or both. The first stage of infection is exposure to the virus, while AIDS is the third stage.

Chronic HIV or Second Stage

This stage is crucial in effective treatment. Many victims never realise they have been infected - with no symptoms (asymptomatic). Some people immediately experience flu-like symptoms on exposure to the virus.

Though there may be no visible symptoms, the virus is still weakening the body's immune system. The modern healthcare system recommends immediately prescribing anyone infected with HIV antiretroviral treatment. This will minimize the harm to the person's immune system and also lessen the chance of transmission.

  • Sexual contact
  • Needle/syringe-sharing
  • Babies born to HIV-positive mothers are infected either through shared blood during pregnancy or while nursing after birth. HIV treatment during pregnancy & after is highly recommended so infants remain healthy.
Casual Contact is SAFE

HIV is not transmitted by hugging, sharing toilets or plates, or a kiss on the cheeks. Also, mosquitoes and other insects cannot transmit HIV.

Being diagnosed with AIDS/HIV is still a cause to be socially isolated in many places. Mothers, pregnant women and children of parents with the disease benefit enormously by taking ART as early as possible and continuing on the medication even when they exhibit no symptoms of HIV. Netmeds.com understands the need for discretion and delivers all your medication needs at your doorstep.