Asparagus is a low-calorie vegetable, well known for its unique taste and flavour. Considered a superfood, asparagus is packed with Vitamins, (A, C, E, K, B6) minerals, (iron, folate, copper, calcium), protein, fibre, and antioxidants. The impressive nutrient profile makes it vital during pregnancy, promotes heart health and prevents osteoporosis. Look for the interesting reason why you should include more asparagus in your diet.

Asparagus for weight loss

Promotes weight-loss


Not just low in fat and calories (one cup is just 32 calories) but asparagus is packed with soluble and insoluble fibre, making it a great choice to lose weight. It helps you feel full faster and lowers cholesterol. To reap the maximum benefit, pair it with a boiled egg – fibre-rich asparagus with egg’s protein will help you feel satisfied.

 Supports Pregnancy


Asparagus is one of the top natural sources of folate. Adequate folate in the diet is essential during periods of rapid growth such as pregnancy, infancy and adolescence. Folic acid is a vital supplement during pregnancy that prevents miscarriage and protects growing foetus from neural tube defects.

Boosts your mood


The richness of folate, Vitamin B in asparagus can boost your mood and help hold off irritability. Folate may lower the risk of depression by preventing an excess of homocysteine from forming in the body. Asparagus also contains a good amount of tryptophan, an amino acid that improves mood.

Beats bloating


The veggie helps improve overall digestive health due to the presence of soluble and insoluble fibre. The unique dietary fibre inulin in asparagus promotes digestion. Inulin is probiotic, helps encourage a healthy balance of good bacteria in your digestive tract that nurtures bacteria known to promote nutrient absorption, decreases allergies, and reduce the risk of colon cancer.

Preventing osteoporosis


A good intake of vitamin K can boost bone health by improving calcium absorption and reducing the amount of calcium excreted in urine. A serving of asparagus provides about half of the recommended daily allowance of vitamin K.

UTI at bay


The presence of amino acid asparagine in asparagus makes it a natural diuretic, flush excess fluid and salt from the body, which may prevent urinary tract infection.

Ways to include asparagus in diet


Asparagus can be green, white, or purple. It should be bought when the stalks are dry and tight, not soft, limp, or wilted. It can be eaten raw or cooked.

Wrapping the stem ends in a wet paper towel and storing in a plastic bag in the refrigerator retains the freshness.

Asparagus can be added in combination with various dishes -omelet, salad, wraps, or simply sauté asparagus in olive oil, seasoned with garlic and pepper.