Health experts and nutritionists in unison stress upon eating a rainbow of foods and avoiding white, refined ones to stay healthy and avoid weight gain. Well, the No White Foods Diet, also known as the No White Diet, is an eating pattern developed upon the perception that eliminating white coloured foods from the meal plan can help one lose weight effectively and regulate blood sugar levels.

Moreover, exponents claim that most white foods are unhealthy, as many have been highly processed and are loaded with carbohydrates and contain minimal nutrients than colourful ones. Contrary to the notion, not all white foods are unhealthy, certain foods are loaded with flavonoid quercetin credited to have anti-inflammatory activities and cardiovascular health benefits.
White Foods

Here is a list of white-coloured foods that are imbued with essential nutrients and confer you with some amazing wellness incentives.


Power-packed with protein and vital nutrients mushroom severe as a healthy meat substitute. Being low in calories, sodium and fat and an incredible source of riboflavin, vitamin D and selenium deliver a host of health benefitting properties. Low in sodium and fat adding mushroom in the diet averts the risk for cardiovascular disease by reducing inflammation and improving blood flow to all the vital organs. Aside from these, the goodness of selenium supports uplift mental well-being, thyroid and cardiac health and boost the immune system.

To raise the nutrient value, sauté for a few minutes and avoid overcooking. Enjoy them as a great starter, soups, sandwiches, salads, and curries.

Also Read: Multiple Benefits of Edible Mushrooms


Chickpeas are an extremely impressive source of protein and dietary fibre that helps to shed surplus weight, control blood sugar spikes, and diminish cholesterol levels. It promotes the growth of beneficial gut bacteria, enhances the absorption of nutrients, and stimulate the digestion process. Besides these, chickpeas are an ample source of magnesium, potassium, and iron.

Toss them in salad, soups, curries, or puree them to make nutritious hummus.


Garlic is one of the powerful herbs that have the magic to instantly spice up any dish and heal a host of maladies. It abounds with nutrients like vitamin C, B6, manganese, selenium, and antioxidants. The incredible therapeutic properties are credited to the presence of sulphur compound allicin. Adding garlic to your diet is known to control blood pressure, reduce cholesterol levels and trigger the immune system and fend off seasonal infections.

Add garlic to salads, soups, dressing and curries. To reap its maximum benefits, have them raw.


Cauliflower is bestowed with a remarkable nutritional content despite being white in colour and delivers healing therapeutic benefits. The treasure trove of nutrients presents in cauliflower includes C, K, B6, folate and minerals potassium, manganese, magnesium, and phosphorus, which helps to augment overall health and immunity. Furthermore, being loaded with phytonutrients avert the risk of cancer cell formation.

To retain its nutrients steam or roast instead of boiling and blend with your favourite spices to boost the flavour.

Also Read: Cauliflower: 5 Splendid Health Reasons To Add This Winter Vegetable In Your Diet Regimen


This humble vegetable though not a favourite food for all but you should add to your meal plan for its incredible health incentives. Radish is endowed with ample amounts of potassium, sodium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, zinc and vitamins C, A and B. Adding this root vegetable rejuvenate the immune system, averts the risk of cancer and respiratory disorders.

Have them in form of curries, dals, parathas, or salads.


The No White Foods Diet trend suggest excluding white-coloured foods to help lose stubborn weight and regulate blood sugar levels. Though most of the white foods come from highly processed sources like refined grains, sugars and this can be easily swapped with a healthier and more nutritious alternative such as whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. It is always best to consume whole, minimally processed foods and moderation is the key when consuming those that are nutritionally deficient.