Proteins are essential macronutrients comprising amino acids which serve as the building blocks of the body. The body needs protein to perform several bodily processes and metabolism as it forms the structural components of muscles, brain, nervous system, blood, skin and hair besides maintaining acid-base balance and delivers oxygen and nutrients. 

Adding high-quality proteins to the diet meets the requirement of amino acids for protein synthesis. Whey protein is one of the best sources of protein supplements with a dense nutritional value which is backed by science in offering indispensable health benefits. Generally, weight trainers and bodybuilders complement their regular diets with whey proteins, as it functions to increase lean muscle mass growth and aids with muscle protein synthesis. Also Read: 5 Marvelous Plant-Based Protein Sources For Overall Health- Infographic
whey protein supplements

What Is Whey Protein?

Whey protein is a blend of proteins isolated, the watery part of milk that separates during the making of cheese. Generally, milk comprises two main types of proteins- casein (80%) and whey (20%). Whey is present in the water portion of milk, during the process of cheese, the fatty portion of the milk coagulates and the whey is separated from it as a by-product. It is then processed into more concentrated forms. There are different types of protein such as whey protein, whey protein isolates, whey protein concentrate, whey protein hydroslate and hydrolysed protein.

Protein supplement powders are gaining huge popularity these days, owing to its indispensable health benefits. Adding whey is a preferred way to boost protein intake on top of the regular diet. It is especially important for bodybuilders, people on a weight loss diet and ones who are lacking protein in their diet.

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Whey protein powder is added to shakes, meal replacements and protein bars. It doesn’t taste good on its own, which is why it is flavoured-chocolate, vanilla and strawberry whey protein powder. Also Read: Learn How Protein Supplements Help You For Great Health

Types Of Whey Protein:

There are three types of whey protein which includes:

Whey Protein Concentrate

It has about 58 to 80% protein and the remaining is composed of fat, lactose and immune-boosting peptides like alpha-lacto albumin and immunoglobin. It has a better flavour when compared to other whey proteins.

Whey Protein Isolate

It comprises 95% of the protein, with a minimal amount of lactose and fat.

Whey Protein Hydroslate

It is a pre-digested form of whey protein and has 99% of protein. It is a type of protein that undergoes partial hydrolysis, a process that helps the body to completely absorb protein. It is the most soluble form of protein and gets easily digested.
whey protein benefits

Wellness Incentives Of Whey Protein:

Promotes Muscle Growth

Muscle mass starts to decline as we age and results in gaining fat and risk of chronic diseases. This change in body composition can be modified or reversed with the right diet and strength training exercise. Adding high-quality protein sources like whey abundant in amino acid leucine is effective in releasing anabolic hormones such as insulin which is responsible for faster muscle growth. Apart from this, whey protein is valuable in preventing age-related muscle loss, improves stamina and makes the body look toned and young.

Regulates Blood Pressure

Hypertension is a silent killer and a leading risk factor for stroke and cardiovascular disease. Several studies have disclosed that bioactive peptides present in dairy products, angiotensin-converting – enzyme inhibitors (ACE-inhibitors) has been responsible for regulating blood pressure. Whey proteins loaded with lactokinins, the ACE-inhibitors aids to control high blood pressure.

Supports Weight Loss

A high-protein diet is a proven weight loss strategy. Adding protein in the diet stimulates fat loss by suppressing the appetite which results in reduced calorie intake. Moreover, it triggers the metabolism that aids in burning calories and fat and supports to maintain muscle mass when losing weight. Whey protein is beneficial and have a positive impact on fat burning and keep you satiated when compared to other types of protein. 

Reduces Inflammation

Chronic inflammation can elevate the risk of many diseases and other underlying health conditions. Evidence has revealed that high doses of whey protein supplements remarkably lowered C-reactive protein (CRP), a key inflammatory marker in the body. Apart from this, whey protein a good source of cysteine boosts the body’s natural antioxidant defence mechanism and increases the levels of glutathione and shields the body against free radical damage.

Improves Gut Health

Whey protein is valued as a prebiotic that feeds the good bacteria in the gut. Studies reveal that gut-friendly bacteria hinders the growth of bacteria linked to obesity. Lactoferrin, a protein abundant in whey, holds a significant role in the assimilation of iron through the digestive system. Whey protein lowers gut inflammation and damage to the intestinal lining by increasing good bacteria and antioxidants defences thereby mitigate the symptoms associated with Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis.


Whey protein can be very easily incorporated into the meal plan, it can be blended to smoothies, milkshakes, and yoghurt or just mixed with warm water or milk. The ideal recommended dosage is 1-2 scoops per day, however, always refer to instructions on the package. Excessive intake may cause gut issues like nausea, pain, bloating, abdominal cramp, flatulence and diarrhoea. For people with lactose intolerance, whey protein hydroslate or isolate may be suitable than whey protein concentrate. It is always best to seek advice from a doctor before taking a protein supplement.