Metabolism is one of the primary bodily functions that the system performs to optimise overall physical and mental health. Metabolism is the chemical reaction occurring in the body that supports keeping you active and functioning. An individual’s metabolism is measured at the rate at which the system burns calories for energy. The rate of metabolism depends on several factors such as age, sex, body fat, muscle mass, physical activity and genetics.
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Understanding Metabolism

Metabolism is the complete chemical reaction involved in sustaining the existence of all living organisms. All organisms need energy to maintain their cells functioning at the optimal level. The metabolic processes aid with normal growth and reproduction, maintain the structure of living cells and facilitate organisms to respond to their surroundings. Furthermore, all chemical reactions in living creatures right from digestion to transportation within cells- need energy.

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Thus, metabolic reactions are biochemical reactions that convert food into energy in the human body and its cells. The system comprises specific proteins that regulate chemical reactions. These reactions don’t necessarily occur singly. Instead, multiples of reactions happen simultaneously to keep up cells healthy and functioning well. The human body controls all these reactions.

What Are Metabolic Reactions?

The food we eat enters the digestive system where it uses enzymes to break down into simpler compounds such as protein into amino acids, fat into fatty acids and carbs into simple sugars. These compounds are absorbed into the bloodstream and fuel each and every cell.

When they enter the respective cells, other enzymes control the chemical reactions needed to metabolize these compounds. In these processes, energy from the food compounds is released for the body’s vital needs or stored in the liver, muscles, and body fat for future use.

Types Of Metabolic Reactions

Metabolic reactions are an integral function of the human body, which involves two reactions occurring at the same time.

Anabolism: It is also known as constructive metabolism, which is all about building and storing. This process promotes the growth of new cells, maintenance of body tissues and storing of energy for future use. Small molecules are converted into more complex molecules of carbohydrates, fat and protein.

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Catabolism: It is also known as destructive metabolism, where energy is produced for all kinds of activities in the cells. It helps cells break down larger molecules like fat and carbs to release energy. This produces fuel for anabolism, which aids in heating the body and letting the body’s muscles contract and move freely.

Ways to Regulate Metabolic Reactions

The regulation of metabolism is a process that controls metabolic pathways in humans. All living organisms need a constant supply of energy to sustain their bodily processes and functions. Some of the effective ways to regulate the metabolism include:

Maintain Weight: To Stay fit and active, you must restrict your intake of calories and shed surplus kilos. We eat to offer the system the energy required to carry out all functions. But eating too much or too little can make one’s body unfit, slowing down the metabolic reactions that deliver the system with fuel.

Fight Fatigue: It is essential to have a wholesome and protein-loaded breakfast to trigger the body’s metabolism, This will keep one active and energised all through the day. Those who skip their breakfast usually have a low metabolism and lack energy.

Caffeine: Consuming caffeine is well-known to stimulate the central nervous system, thus it also activates one’s metabolism rate by up to 8%.

High-Fibre Diet: Having a fiber-rich diet is an essential part of your meal regimen. Fibre assists to burn fat by at least 30%. Moreover, dietary fibre also holds a key role in reducing the risk of developing chronic disease.


Metabolic reactions are an integral and essential process that enables a person to function and perform regular activities well. Metabolism offer fuel to survive, thus one should lead a healthy lifestyle for your body to carry out this process effectively. Seek immediate medical help if any health condition is impacting your metabolism.