Gingivitis is a condition which causes swelling of tissue that surrounds and supports the gum. It is a very common condition which can be easily detected by swelling and bleeding of gums during brush and floss. It is mostly triggered by unhygienic oral habits, causing bacterial or plaque accumulation on teeth, infecting gums. 

Dentist checking a girl's teeth

Other factors that trigger the chances of gum diseases are;

  • Smoking or tobacco consumption hampers the normal healing of gums, causing infection.
  • Improper dental alignment causes trouble in cleaning and increased chances of infection.
  • Hormonal changes are associated with gingivitis.
  • Alcohol consumption alters the “oral defence mechanism.”
  • Sugar consumption in diet, poor nutrition, Vitamin C deficiency affects gum healing.
  • Heavy dose of medication can cause gum problems. 
  • Family history can also cause gum problems.
  • Stress prevents body’s ability to fight infections, causing dental issues too. 

Symptoms of gum diseases include;

  • Pain in gums and teeth
  • Swelling around gums, or changed coloration (purple or red). Healthy gums are pink in colour
  • Smelly breath and displeasing taste are possible signs of gum disease
  •  A change in dental alignment
  • Gum bleedings during brushing and flossing are one of the main symptoms of gingivitis
  • “Loose teeth” provides a space for bacterial accumulation, casing gum problems 

There are two types of treatment options available:

  • Surgical: Removal of plaques formed on gums, using tissue graft for tissue regeneration
  • Non-surgical: non-surgical deep cleaning, scaling, removes tar and plaques. Laser techniques for tar removal are also available.