Acne is a skin condition causing pimples, white heads, and spots on body. Acne is more prominent on face, however, can occur on neck, chest, shoulders, back, and arms. It starts in puberty, due to hormonal changes, activating oil producing sebaceous glands in body.

Side Effects In Acne Treatment

Acne may occur in adults as well as young. It is not a fatal condition, however, can leave scars which might lead to psychological issues like stress and anxiety. Besides hormonal changes, acne can be caused due to other factors including genetics, climate, diet, and skin type. It varies from mild, moderate to severe forms. There are multiple medical as well as natural remedies available to treat acne.

Based on the severity of the condition, dermatologists treat acne;

•   Mild: Gel soaps, creams, moisturizers are used on affected areas of the skin. The medications are used to reduce black and white heads, reduce bacterial growth, open pores etc.
•   Moderate to Severe: Stronger gel, cremes or lotions are used.
•   Sometime oral antibiotics are also prescribed. Mostly, “corticosteroid injections, oral contraceptives (for women), topical antimicrobial, isotretinoin” are prescribed.

Medical treatment options are available, but, they can also cause some side effects such as dryness in skin, nose bleedings, and mood swings. Also, people undergoing acne treatment are suggested not to intake vitamin supplements, in order to avoid toxicity reactions. In order to avoid the treatment side effects, individuals can try some natural remedies which are equally beneficial and does not cause any harmful effects.