She remembers the time when she weighed 100 kg and was subjected to body-shaming. But actress Zareen Khan says negative comments never bothered her and, being a strong-willed person, she never felt hesitant to speak her mind.

Actress Zareen Khan

"When I was more than 100 kg, I was often body-shamed and bullied. However, none of this ever bothered me. It didn't bother me then and doesn't bother me now," Zareen said.

"I have always been extremely strong-willed and will never shy away from talking about how I feel. I am very grateful to the people who have supported me through my journey -- and the ones who haven't, have only made me stronger," she added.

"We are beginning to speak more and more about body-positivity. While being an actor requires you to look a certain way, your performance and acting abilities are qualities that should matter the most. However, I still feel we have a long way to go in embracing this concept in its most real sense," she said.

What keeps Zareen motivated to stay in shape?

"Working out and eating right have now become a part of my lifestyle. It's not something that I indulge in for a film or project," she said.

"There used to be a time when I weighed over 100 kg. My family has had to deal with several health problems owing to their weight. So, when I incorporated a healthier routine in my lifestyle, I realised the benefit that it has.

"The moment you start seeing results in your body, you automatically are motivated to push yourself harder. I would never attribute my change in lifestyle to being body-shamed or bullied. I did it because I wanted to start living a fit and healthier life." (IANS)