Tennis Elbow (lateral epicondylitis) is an inflammation which results in swelling of the tendons. It is a painful ailment that happens when the tendons in the elbow are overworked by the frequent motion of the wrist and arm. Tendons are a group of hard tissues which connects the muscle of the lower arm to the bone.

Regardless of its name, athletes are not the only person who develop this ailment but people whose work involves movements that lead to constant contraction of the forearm muscles - plumbers, painters, carpenters and repetitive use of computer mouse and typing.

Pain mainly develop where the tendons of forearm muscles attach to a bony bump on the outside of the elbow and also spread into the forearm and wrist.

Tennis elbow

Risk factors

Factors which may increase the risk of tennis elbow include


Most common among adults between the ages of 30 and 50


Individual whose work involves repeated movements of the wrist and arm are more prone to develop tennis elbow.


Playing racket sports with improper technique may increase your risk of elbow tennis.


Pain and weakens of the forearm and wrist may make it hard to:

Shake hands or grip an object

Turn a doorknob

Hold a coffee cup

Diagnosis And Treatment

Doctor generally diagnosis tennis elbow during a complete physical examination by applying pressure to the affected areas or may ask the patient to move elbow, wrist and finger in different directions. Sometimes X- rays and other imaging tests are also recommended.

The condition often improves on its own. If the patient complaints about severe pain, over the counter pain medications and physical therapy are provided. In severe cases, it may require surgery (Ultrasonic tenotomy procedure).


Physiotherapist teaches the patients to exercise gradually, stretch and strengthen forearm muscles. A forearm brace or band may also lower the stress on the injured tissue.


Following these home remedies may improve the condition


Restrict activities that worsen elbow pain and provide adequate rest to the strained tendon.

Pain relievers

Taking over-the-counter pain relievers may lessen pain.

Ice Pack

Apply an ice pack for 15-20 minutes every 3-4 hours until the pain ease.


Ensure that you adopt proper techniques for all the sports and other activities and refrain from repetitive wrist movements.