Each season presents unique challenges for our skin, particularly during the harsh summer months. In today's world, characterized by pollution and environmental stressors, our skin undergoes constant strain. Issues such as moisture loss, sagging, and the inevitable signs of ageing contribute to a lackluster complexion. And then, we also fear those fine lines creeping onto their face as the years go by. While the market offers an array of skincare products promising protection, natural remedies have a timeless allure. This article explores the realm of anti-ageing herbs, offering insights into how they can rejuvenate and illuminate your skin.

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Beyond culinary prowess, the following seven herbs emerge as skincare superheroes, fighting off free radicals and slowing down the ageing process with their potent antioxidant properties. They also help to revitalize your skin naturally and aid a radiant, youthful glow even amidst the harsh rigors of summer.

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Renowned for its antioxidant-rich properties, ashwagandha, or Indian ginseng, shields cells from oxidative stress, a common culprit behind premature ageing. Its antifungal and antibacterial attributes promote skin health, combating the signs of ageing effectively.


Beyond its culinary uses, thyme serves as a potent ally in skincare. Packed with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds, thyme aids skin repair and protects against age-related damage and oxidative stress.


The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory powers of ginger have been known to fight the signs of ageing. Phenolic and flavonoid compounds present in ginger neutralize free radicals, thereby safeguarding the skin from harmful rays in summer and also reducing oxidative stress.

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Turmeric, known for its superb benefits ranging from immunity-boosting to wound-healing properties, has also proved its worth in skincare. Rich in curcumin, a robust antioxidant, turmeric combats free radical damage, while its anti-inflammatory benefits shield the skin from UV-induced harm.


A member of the mint family, sage boasts an array of medicinal benefits, from addressing nutritional deficiencies to supporting oral health. Its extracts, often distilled into essential oils, find applications in body fragrances and skincare essentials.


Hailing from the Mediterranean, rosemary's aromatic fragrance extends beyond the kitchen and its antioxidant-rich profile has made it a skincare favourite, revered for its ability to combat early signs of ageing. The oil and extracts also promote clear and blemish-free skin and tighten loose, saggy skin.

Gotu Kola

Centella Asiatica also called gotu kola is an herb from the parsley family. Called the herb of longevity, it offers a plethora of benefits for both body and mind. Used in the traditional Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine systems, it has collagen-boosting properties making it a sought-after anti-ageing remedy, particularly effective in preserving facial skin.


Recent Advances in Herbal-Derived Products with Skin Anti-Aging Properties and Cosmetic Applications

Erika F. Costa,1 Wagner V. Magalhães,2 and Luiz C. Di Stasi

