The recent video posted by model and fitness enthusiast Milind Soman doing pushups along with his 80-year-old mother Usha Soman went viral garnering several views and positive comments.

Usha Soman’s effortless pushups deserve a thunderous round of applause for inspiring youngsters and senior citizens alike to realize the importance of being fit and healthy, at all ages. And if you thought, not all older adults can do similar feats, think again.

Let us assure you that few simple strength training exercises keep both your mind and body active and prevent various age-related ailments.

Senior Citizens Doing Exercise

The Benefits of Strength Training:

Strength training workouts help in managing weight, control blood glucose, boost metabolism, reduce back-pain, improve balance, get good sleep and most importantly make you feel independent.

Recommended Exercises

Regular exercises like simple stretches, lifting light weights, working with elastic bands help in developing upper body strength and muscle mass.

Doing leg raises by holding on to a chair or a sturdy object for support helps in strengthening hips, thighs, buttocks and lower back muscles and provides better balance.

If you want to reduce the risk of falling, go for chair stands. Stand behind chairs on toes for 2 minutes and relax. This not only builds muscle mass but also strengthens bones.

If your movements are restricted due to pain related issues, choose very simple yoga poses like savasana, deep breathing, minimal stretches, etc.

It’s never too late to socialize and joining a walking group is a great start. Walk with your friends, communicate, get creative for both physical and emotional wellbeing.

Things To Remember:

Since muscles become weak and bones brittle with the age, one should be mindful of the following points while exercising.

Choose Your Workout:

It is extremely important to choose your fitness regimen carefully. Talk to your doctor if you are permitted to working out with machines or should you choose free weights.

Do Not Extend Timings:

For instance, if you are permitted to do 10 reps, stick to the plan. Do not overdo any exercise that is not permissible for your age and health.

Be Cautious:

If you are strength training with weights, start with light weights and move to heavier ones as you gain strength.

Take Breaks:

It is neither mandatory nor recommended to workout every day of the week. Plan your fitness regimen with at least one day break for every 2 days. Talk to your doctor while planning your workout schedule.