Spondylitis is a bone condition associated with shrinkages of spinal cord, causing pain and discomfort around the neck. Mostly, is happens in old age, but, with rapidly changing lifestyles, it has also become a common problem in young adults between the ages of 30-50 years. The condition appears extreme in most cases, still can be avoided by giving attention towards the initial warning signs. If proper precautions are taken, the patients with spondylitis can feel improvement and relief in pain.

Spondylitis in Young Adults

The symptoms of spondylitis can be confused with mechanical back ache which is caused by spinal injury. Adults with spondylitis are more likely to face a burning sensation in spine. The symptoms include:

  • Constant pain and rigidness around the neck and lower back
  • Hunched or stooped body postures
  • Morning stiffness in neck and shoulders, causing reduced flexibility
  • Swelling and overgrowth of bones, affecting movements
  • Sometimes, it is also connected with chest pain or pain in heels and joints

The various reasons causing spondylitis are:

  • Lifestyle: Sitting or desk jobs, less activity for prolonged hours, dependent on junk food, reduced or no exercise.
  • Nutrition and minerals: Lacking vitamin D, B12, calcium and proteins in diet.
  • Blood pressure: In some cases, high Blood pressure can also cause joint pain
  • Obesity: obese people are more prone to joint pain because of the weight overload on bones, causing spondylitis.
  • Genetics: A family history can expose to spondylitis condition in young age.