Sepsis is a life-threatening condition caused by the individual’s response to an infection. The human body by default produces numerous chemicals and releases them into the bloodstream to combat external agents that can lead to various infections.


Imbalance of the body’s response to the chemicals released in the blood causes sepsis. It triggers variations in the structure and function of the organs by leading to the destruction of multiple organs and can be fatal.

Infections caused in lungs, kidney, bladder and other parts release toxins causing this condition. If not diagnosed on time, it can lead to septic shock.

Sepsis and septic shock are common in young or very old people with lower immunity. People with diabetes or cirrhosis, wounds or burns, and catheters or breathing tubes are prone to septic shock.

Signs And Symptoms

  • Poor mental stability
  • High blood pressure
  • High respiration rate
  • Higher release of lactic acid
  • Low oxygen intake caused due to difficulty in breathing

Diagnosis And Treatment

Doctors recommend certain blood tests, urine test, and refer sending samples of wound and respiratory secretions for further lab investigations. Imaging tests are done, if required.

Further, patients who have sepsis may need supportive care to ease their breathing difficulties.