Every year, post Pongal/Makara Sankranti schools reopen to the last term of academic year, witnessing hectic activity towards finishing the curriculum and preparing for the final exams. But, this year, it is a lot more different. The schools that were shutdown abruptly in March 2020 following the breakout of Covid-19 pandemic, switched over to online classes in the last 10 months. The annual exams except for classes 10, 11, 12 couldn’t be conducted and all students irrespective of their academic performance were promoted to the next level.
Kid writing on a board

Yay or nay, there is no denying that online classes didn’t gain popularity amongst the student and parents as expected. While many students complained that they couldn’t understand the concepts in detail, many parents are still worried about lack of focus and interest on the part of students and poor internet connections derailing the sessions, quite often. Few government run premier institutions opened up their campuses couple of months ago to the graduate students but in no time, they have turned into coronavirus clusters.

Amidst all these fears, few state governments including Assam, Bihar, Karnataka, Rajasthan, Puducherry, Pune, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu decided to open school campuses at least for higher secondary classes like 10 and 12. Keeping in view of the impending board exams, academic experts felt that live sessions in the classroom atmosphere will help the students to perform better. However, in the states like Assam, Jammu and Kashmir, Uttar Pradesh where schools were reopened in the first week of January, the attendance rate is very abysmal from 30% to 40%.

Tamil Nadu has ordered for the reopening of schools from today, while Telangana government is gearing up to invite students back into their classes from Feb 1. Government officials have formed committees to ensures smooth functioning of these academic institutions and have issued Standard Operation Procedures to all the school authorities, for averting more coronavirus cases.

School authorities were asked to strictly abide by the rules, setup proper sanitization facilities and maintain restrooms, corridors, classrooms, labs, libraries and other facilities ultraclean. Nevertheless, if you are a parent, we totally understand your fears and here is what you can do to keep this super contagious infection at a bay.

Also Read: Coronavirus Kit: Did You Pack All These Must-Haves To Combat COVID-19? Infographic

Talk To Your Child:

Getting cooped up at home would have been highly irritating for your teenage son or daughter but it is time to remind about their responsibilities while stepping out. Explain gently on why they should refrain from hugging their friends, sharing food items and the importance of maintaining social distancing. Schools are asked to make individual seating arrangements for each child and students too respect it.

Help Boost Immunity:

The board exams are scheduled in May, which means the next few months are crucial for your child to perform well in the academics. Pack healthy food including greens, vegetables, fruits, dairy products for building stamina against infections. Do not forget giving Vitamin C supplements that play a major role in beating infections. Turmeric milk with pepper powder and jaggery increases lung power and serves as an expectorant, besides providing daily dose of iron and antioxidants.
Students writing in classroom

Pack Sanitization Supplies:

Sanitizers with at least 60% alcohol, wet wipes, gloves and extra masks are a must-have in your child’s school bag. Caution not to remove masks, sneeze into the elbow and stand at least 6 feet away while interacting with friends and teachers. Ask your child to sanitize chair, table with wet wipes before starting the class and teach them to discard it properly.

Also Read: Coronavirus: Not All Masks And Sanitizers Are Same. Know The Difference To Use Effectively

Travel Carefully:

If you are dropping and picking up the child at school in your own vehicle, there may not be much of a risk. But in case, if they are taking school bus or public transport, it is extremely crucial to be careful than regret later. Again, social distancing is the key and make sure applying good amounts of quality sanitizer on palms, wear a mask while travelling.

What To Do After Getting Home?

Well. You need to still be careful. Take shower with warm water immediately, wash the school dress thoroughly and dry. Do not forget to do steam inhalation daily, before going home as it clears the airways, soothes throat and provides instant relief from cold and clogged sinuses.

Cold and cough are common symptoms in winter but do not get worried instantly, if you notice mild fever. Wait and stay put at home till symptoms subside. If they persist and turn severe, do consult the doctor immediately.