Come winter, and it’s time for planning year-end vacation for that perfect getaway from all the hustle and busy work schedule. Besides all the fun and excitement, you may also be troubled with cold weather, stormy winds and seasonal changes.

Is the freezing climate drying out your skin and causing incessant coughing? Buy our winter care products today, to stay healthy in the chilly weather!

It is essential to be well prepared while you are planning winter holidays, packing smart and healthy is of utmost importance to shield you from winter woes. Medications and basic first aid essentials may not be easily available in all places like hill stations and forests, where you may not get any medical assistance. Packing your travel kit with all the medical essentials ensures that you spend your holiday safe and healthy.

Also Read: 8 Golden Rules Of First Aid

Read this article to know about 5 must to pack winter medical essentials for a safe and happy vacation.

Must-Have Winter Essentials

Cold Creams

Cold creams are nothing but seasonal creams a blend of fat and water, typically used to soften and cleanse the skin. These creams are an integral part of the winter kit and are beneficial in mending skin problems like cracks, wrinkles, peeling of the skin, dry skin and also shielding the skin from allergies. Cold creams make the skin supple and healthy. Furthermore, these creams are enriched with vital nutrients that aid in softening the skin and maintaining hydration.

Also Read: Quick Remedies To Nourish Skin This Winter

Gut Healthy Products

Extensive travelling and eating out may disturb your digestive health and most of the time you may end up with digestive issues like bloating, indigestion, flatulence and stomach upset. Remember to pack over the counter digestive medicines like antacids, laxatives and probiotics.

 Antacids help to lessen excess stomach acid secretion and relieve heartburn, acidity, regurgitation, indigestion and other stomach problems. Laxatives aids to clear the bowel and treat constipation. Probiotics promote the growth of gut-friendly bacteria and treat diarrhoea and improve the digestion process.

Topical Skin Ointments     

Long journeys and exposure to varied climatic and environmental conditions can take a toll on your skin health. The chill air and harsh breezy winds can make the skin dry, rough, flaky and drain the moisture from the skin. It is always good to carry topical skin ointments to shield your skin from damage and treat skin conditions like eczema, rashes, itching and psoriasis.


A bandage is the top-most essential element in any first aid kit or travel medical kit. It is essential to have a bandage handy so that minor injuries like a cut, wounds, grazes and the sting can be immediately attended, and it would not become infected.

A bandage can cover the wound, keep the dressings intact and controls bleeding. Make sure to carry roller bandage to protect a dressing and triangular bandage helps to support arm sling, immobilize an injury to the bone or joint and control bleeding.


An extensive journey which involves eating out, change in drinking water together with cold and harsh winter may end up in sore throat and cough. Lozenges are must-carry essentials which slowly dissolve in your mouth and control the cough and soothe the irritated throat.

Moisturizing Lip Balm

Lips are often prone to dryness and cracking in cold weather. Chapped lips can be a real trouble during those picture-perfect moments. Carry a moisturizing lip balm with SPF to protect your lips from both dry air and UV rays.


No matter how cold the weather is and how much you love to venture out in the sun, always keep in mind that sunlight is a source of ultraviolet rays as well which can cause damage to your skin ranging from temporary tan to sagging and fine lines. Thus, carry sunscreen with an SPF of above 30 or more whenever you are out in the sun

Hair Mask

Hair tends to get dry and brittle during the winter season. Travel can make them even worse. The best way to keep them tangle-free and unaffected by harsh winters is to carry a hair mask wherever you travel. Even in places where the water may not suit your hair type, a hair mask can always come as a savior for your tresses.


Packing all your necessary medical essentials would help you to manage illness and injuries like a common cold, sore throat, cough cut, wounds, diarrhoea etc. Travel medical kit will guard you against common health issues and injuries and can make your winter holiday a memorable trip.