With the holy month of Ramadan coming to an end, Eid-ul-Fitr is being celebrated worldwide by the Muslims, today. Ramadan or Ramzan as it is known in India is very significant for Muslims as they fast for a month during the daylight along with prayers.

While sumptuous feasts, gift exchanges, prayers mark the celebrations of Eid, charity is an important part of Ramzan festivities. In fact, Holy Quran states charity, also known Zakat as one of the five pillars of Islam and is very significant during this month.

Being generous and sharing your fortunes with the lesser privileged always evokes a nice feeling and joy of giving, from within and leaves a positive impact on your physical and mental health.

Significance Of Ramadan Charity

One of the Five Pillars of Islam, Zakat, or giving to those in need, holds special significance during this holy month. Ramadan charity, known as "Sadaqah," plays a crucial role in the lives of Muslims, fostering a sense of community, compassion, and generosity.

Fulfilling Religious Obligations

 Giving charity during Ramadan is an essential part of fulfilling the religious obligations of Muslims. It is a way to express gratitude for one's blessings and to seek forgiveness for any shortcomings. The act of giving is considered a form of worship and is believed to bring spiritual rewards.

 Fostering Empathy and Compassion

Ramadan is a time to empathize with the less fortunate and to develop a deeper sense of compassion. By giving to those in need, Muslims are encouraged to understand the struggles of others and to work towards creating a more equitable society.

Strengthening Community Bonds

Ramadan charity helps to strengthen bonds within the community. It fosters a sense of unity and solidarity among Muslims, as people come together to support each other and those in need. This communal aspect of giving enhances the spirit of brotherhood and sisterhood.

Reflecting on Gratitude and Generosity

Ramadan is a time for self-reflection and gratitude. By giving charity, individuals can reflect on their blessings and express gratitude for what they have. It also encourages them to be more generous and giving throughout the year.

 The Joy of gifting and health benefits

Gives Happiness:

Do you know that charity brings in a lot of happiness than you expect? According to a study published by a team led by Prof Norton from the Harvard Business School, people derive more pleasure on spending for the needy than buying things for themselves. Generous giving activates releases ‘endorphins’ the happy hormones, bringing in positivity and stimulating those areas in brain that provide a ‘warm glow’ to your skin.

Reduces Anxiety:

The happiness after participating in a charity event is very real and not your imagination. Various studies reveal that patients suffering from depression have reportedly talked about feeling positive and happy after volunteering in some ‘good work’ as brain releases chemicals like serotonin, oxytocin, dopamine that regulate our feelings and help in catching good sleep. These chemicals not only leave positive impact on the mental health but also regulate the functioning of vital organs.

Lowers Blood Pressure:

If you are a high blood pressure patient and wondering what’s spiking it, it’s time to share! Doing good deeds lowers emotional burden on mind, reduces guilt feelings and instills positivity while dealing with others. In fact, studies reveal that patients with hypertension are 60 percent less likely to report sleep apnoea or restless leg syndrome after getting involved in charitable events. Although being generous and charitable doesn’t directly effect on your blood pressure, the positive effect of the good deeds seems to lessen your tensions and alleviate some of the symptoms of high blood pressure.

Increases Longevity:

Doctors recommend elderly to participate in charity events as it instills confidence, positivity in them. Stress and anxiety at the old age can cause various health problems, but a regular involvement in charity can help older people live healthy and longer. As per the study conducted by University of California, Berkeley, elderly who volunteered regularly are 44 per cent less likely prone to health issues and death, than those not involved in similar activities.

Improves Self Esteem:

Charity is a selfless act and it helps you get a greater sense of joy and happiness. Helping others in need is Godly and it makes you feel humble and thankful about your fortunes. It can make you a stronger person from within, improve your emotional wellbeing and develop confidence.

Eid-Ul-Fitr or Lesser Eid is a significant festival for the Muslims all over the world and is celebrated as the ‘Festival Of Fast Breaking’ as it marks the end of the month-long dawn-to-sunset fasting of Ramadan. It is a day for people to realize the essence of being empathetic, generous and sharing with the lesser fortunate. And not only does sharing and caring for the needy bring about a sense of happiness but also it boosts our physical and emotional well-being. But no Ramadan is complete without offering prayers, meeting and greeting friends and relatives, exchanging gifts and of course gorging on fruits and delicious, sweet dishes during the Iftaar party.

Also Read: Happy Eid Ul-Fitr 2021: Indulge In These Traditional Sweet Recipes On The Festive Occasion

And if you are wondering what kind of desserts to serve your guests in this hot weather, well, look no further, here we are to help you out.

We bring you a super delicious recipe of Rose Falooda with ice cream. This heavenly delicacy will not just tickle your taste buds but is sure to beat the heat and leave you feeling energetic and refreshed.

Strawberry - Rose Falooda
Strawberry - Rose Falooda


250 ml milk

2 scoops of kulfi flavour ice-cream

6 tbsp rose syrup

50 g rice vermicelli

30 g sabja seeds

2 tbsp strawberries chopped

1 tsp of almonds, pistachio, dates crushed/chopped

Few strands of kesar or saffron


Soak the sabja seeds for 30-40 minutes

Cook rice vermicelli in 2 cups of water for 2-3 minutes

Drain the vermicelli and keep it in cold water

Add 3 tbsp of rose syrup to milk

Stir it well and keep it aside

To assemble the falooda, first add lots of ice to the glass

Add 2-3 tablespoon of soaked sabja seeds

For the next layer add half the amount of cooked and chilled rice vermicelli

Next add the chopped strawberry to it

Drizzle some rose syrup all over it

Top it with chilled rose milk and stir gently

Now add the final layer of strawberry ice-cream on it

Serve it by sprinkling some chopped almonds, pistachio, dates and kesar


This smooth, creamy, crunchy, refreshing falooda is a great combination where nutrition meets deliciousness. Best for the summers, sabja seeds are a good source of fibre. Not only do they satiate one for a long time but also provide relief from constipation, aid in weight loss and remedy cough and cold. While milk enriched with calcium and vitamin D strengthens teeth and bones, vermicelli being rich in carbohydrates provides energy and strawberries increase HDL (good) cholesterol and lowers the blood pressure. The combination of dry fruits boosts immunity and enhances heart functions, whereas kesar brightens and bequeaths the skin with an ethereal glow from within.