The intense temperature and excessive perspiration in summer may leave tiny reddish blisters and itchy rash on the skin. Known as prickly heat, this isn’t a serious condition but needs proper attention to stop it from spreading further on the body.

Prickly heat is quite common during the summer months. The excessive perspiration clogs the skin pores, which in turn outbreak as rashes. It happens when the sweat gets trapped under the skin, instead of evaporating.  

Prickly heat rashes are seen along skin folds such as neck, waist, armpits, and groin.

Aloe vera, oats and besan flour

Factors That Trigger Prickly Heat 

Wearing synthetic clothes that prevent sweat from evaporating.

Strenuous exercise that leads to excessive sweating.

Oil-based cosmetics.

Certain medications.

Babies are more prone to developing rashes, as sweat ducts of the newborn are underdeveloped for a long time.

Symptoms of heat rashes are inflamed skin or red rashes, small blisters, itching and irritation.

Here Are Simple Home Remedies: 


Oatmeal is an excellent exfoliator for the skin and helps to get rid of clogged sweat ducts. It provides relief from prickly heat, itching and soothes inflamed skin.

Take an oatmeal bath and scrub it gently over the affected areas. Repeat this thrice in a week for best results.

Aloe Vera

The powerful antibacterial and antiseptic properties of Aloe Vera help in easing rashes caused due to prickly heat. It lessens the inflammation and soothes redness. Aloe Vera has impressive softening and hydrating compounds that shield the skin from dehydration.

Apply Aloe Vera gel over the face, let it stay for 15 minutes and rinse well with water. Repeat it thrice daily to get instant relief from prickly heat.

Bengal Gram Flour/Besan Flour

Besan flour is a perfect cleanser for the skin. It helps to clear off the dirt that are clogging the pores and exfoliates dead skin cells. This humble kitchen ingredient provides instant relief from itching and prickling sensation.

Apply Bengal gram flour mixed with water over the affected areas. Let it stay for 15 minutes and rinse well with cool water. Apply this amazing pack regularly for clear skin.

Besan Flour To Soothe Your Skin In Summer

Multani Mitti/Fuller's Earth

Multani mitti works as an excellent home remedy to clear clogged pores, treat prickly heat and makes the skin supple and fresh.

Make a paste of multani mitti with rose water and apply over the affected areas, let this stay for 15 minutes and rinse well with cool water. Apply this paste daily for effective results.


Potato is an amazing kitchen cure to treat itchy and prickly skin issues. It soothes the skin and also works as an excellent emollient.

Slice potato and apply over the affected skin, let it stay for 15 minutes and rinse well with cool water. Repeat this daily for supple and clear skin.