Rickets is a bone disorder that affects children due to malnutrition, lack of Vitamin D and calcium. Kids with rickets suffer from weak and deformed bones. Though mostly seen among children, Rickets can affect adults as well and is known as Osteomalacia. Besides the deficiency of Vitamin D and calcium, low exposure to sunlight is another prominent reason behind rickets.

Prevent Rickets In Kids With Vitamin D And Calcium

Symptoms include:

  • Bone pain, tenderness, and brittle
  • Blood has low levels of calcium
  • Children will have height and weight issues
  • Bandy legged
  • Deformities and pain are observed in the regions of spinal, pelvic, or cranial nerves
  • Condition where diaphragm attaches to the ribs
  • Knock knees
  • Breastbone projection or ‘costochondral’ swelling
  • Tooth formation and other dental issues
  • Skeletal deformities 


Rickets in children can be easily diagnosed. Blood tests are one of the most formal methods to diagnose Rickets. X-rays also help in revealing calcium loss and bone structure for treatment assessments. Bone biopsy is also being suggested in few cases.


Rickets among the younger children is treatable. It is important to diagnose it early and chalk out a proper treatment plan. Patients will be administered with necessary vitamins and minerals, Vitamin D and calcium supplements.

Consuming healthy food plays an important role in reversing the condition. Consuming Fish, liver, milk and eggs and other food items prescribed by the doctors will help in treating rickets.

Children suffering from hereditary rickets are prescribed for phosphate and vitamin D supplements in abundance, or in more critical conditions, surgery. Nowadays, doctors also use UVB light for treatment of Rickets.