A healthy body, admirable physique, and superb cognitive skills are what we all aspire for. Do we not knock ourselves out day in and day out to achieve this goal? We bet it is one of the best desires, but to make this dream a reality, the importance of exercising regularly cannot be stressed enough.

Pushups, pull-ups, body weight squats, lunges, running, walking, or pilates, through many such forms of exercises, everyone craves superlative health. Besides rendering optimum wellness benefits, a full-fledged workout improves blood circulation, provides great oxygenation, and imparts a healthy glow from deep within! While hitting the gym may occur to any of us at any stage of our lives and yes, it is never too late to do so, the irony is that age-related ailments catch up on us now and then. Despite our best efforts to stay in shape, the body does not cooperate with our determination and strong efforts. This also happens if one has not been into exercising for a while. But as they say, any activity is better than none, so there is no reason for you to not think about it. Starting with even basic exercises such as brisk walking or twenty minutes of physical activity can have numerous health benefits. 

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Man and woman working out in gym

Should You Be Exercising In Chronic Health Anomalies?

A million-dollar question is that should you be exercising when you have a disease? Well, while there are many reasons and ideally you should exercise as suggested by every health practitioner, sometimes your body may be struggling with the onset of an ailment or you may have taken treatment, so it might take a while for your system to get used to heavy-duty workouts. Don’t demand too much from your body, specifically if you have a chronic condition. Of course, exercise can have multiple health benefits, but it is important to talk to your doctor before starting a routine. Some advice on what exercises are safe and what precautions you might need to take while exercising is crucial. Depending on your condition, your doctor will recommend necessary precautions before exercising, how long your exercise sessions ought to be and what intensity works best for you. Flexibility exercises may help your joints, strength training can improve muscle strengthening and cardiac sessions can augment the oxygenation process. The idea is to go slow, built-up stamina, and go for heavier exercises only if the body allows and responds well to it.

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Instead of getting discouraged about what you will not be able to accomplish, stay motivated and start with a simple fun-to-do routine that doesn’t cause stress to the body. Set realistic goals and celebrate your progress each day. If you want, there is nothing that can stop you. But the bottom line is to be extremely mindful to take ample care of yourself before you think of hitting the gym, more so when you are dealing with these five ailments:


There is no doubt that regular exercise can help insulin stay balanced, and lower abnormal blood sugar levels. If you have type 2 diabetes, exercise can also lower your risk of heart disease. But one should keep in mind that physical activity may lower normal sugar levels. Also, an exercise that is too hard can raise your blood sugar by making it harder for your muscle cells to use insulin. So, it is essential to check your blood sugar level before any strenuous activity. If you take medications that lower blood sugar, you might need to eat a snack before exercising to help prevent it from going way too low. Ask your doctor and decide wisely. If you plan to work out for over an hour, check your sugar levels after every workout so that you can make the required amendments.

Osteoarthritis or Joint Pain

While exercise can reduce joint pain, help maintain muscle strength and reduce acute stiffness. But repetitive motion can cause osteoarthritis-borne pains to flare up. A routine that uses the body’s resistance or low-impact aerobics activities such as walking, and swimming are good for people with joint pain and such activities won't strain the joints. Exercises will improve the quality of life for people who have arthritis but what is best for the person depends on the type of arthritis and which joints are involved during that specific exercise. Consult a physical therapist who can chalk out a tailor-made plan for you.

High Blood Pressure

For people with high blood pressure, exercise lowers the risk of progressing heart disease and improves heart health. But since exercising also increases heart rate and intensity of breathing, hitting the gym and starting with a heavy physical routine can be risky. In some cases, you might need to consult a physiotherapist before starting an exercise routine. If you feel a sense of dizziness, chest pain an irregular heartbeat, or breathlessness, discontinue exercising and seek medical help at the earliest.


Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or COPD can pose a challenge as this ailment obstructs a full-fledged airflow to the lungs. Since airflow is already reduced hardcore exercising may cause heavy panting as you need loads of extra air. This may exacerbate breathing problems, and shortness of breath might cause complications. Go for mild exercises and break your physical activity into short chunks of time spread out through the day. Stop exercising if you feel shaky, anxious, weak, or sweat more than usual.

Also Read: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disorder: Learn About The Treatment Options

Cardiac Troubles

A brief cardio routine certainly benefits your heart and protects it from heart troubles. But exercise can sometimes increase the risk of a heart attack, especially in those who have heart disease and aren't monitoring it properly. A hard-core workout on a bad day can lead to fatigue which can trigger shortness of breath. A healthcare professional should be consulted before any gym routine who will monitor heart rate, blood pressure, and symptoms and then decide what exercise is tailored to your needs. People with chronic heart troubles should not exercise if they not feeling unwell. During mild or extensive cardio sessions, one should also stay well hydrated.