Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome is one of the most common hormonal conditions affecting at least 10 per cent women in their reproductive age. According to the National Health Portal of India, the rate of global prevalence of this disorder is highly variable anywhere between 2.2% to 22%.

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome is often associated with excessive weight gain, unwanted growth of hair, hoarse voice, hormonal imbalances and many other complications. Women suffering from PCOS often find it hard to manage the symptoms that can range from mental irritability to irregular periods and is unfortunately seen as taboo topic to discuss.
PCOS awareness month september

The month of September is dedicated for creating awareness on this most common hormonal disorder and it is a federally designated event. It is aimed at creating month-long awareness month in improving the lives of those suffering from PCOS and aid in managing, overcoming the complications and reduce the risk of other associated life-threatening related diseases such as diabetes, heart diseases, non-alcoholic fatty liver and cancer of reproductive organs.

What Is PCOS?

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome earlier referred as Polycystic Ovarian Disorder is a hormonal disorder that affects the functioning of ovaries. Ovaries contain sacs with immature eggs called follicles about 8mm in size but in people suffering from PCOS, the egg doesn’t get released affecting the chances of fertility. The reasons behind PCOS are still unclear.

PCOS often presents with following symptoms:

  • Irregular or scanty period
  • Difficulty in conception
  • Unintended weight gain
  • Unwanted hair on face, chest, cheeks and back
  • Extreme loss of hair and oily skin

Unfortunately, there are a plenty of myths and facts associated with PCOS and in this article, let us unravel the truths.


Weight Loss Can Cure PCOS


PCOS is common in people with normal weight. One of the common complications of PCOS is weight gain and doctors recommend losing those extra kilos to avoid other health problems. Shedding that extra weight won’t help but leading a disciplined lifestyle and practicing nutritious diet plan always helps.

Also Read: PCOS And Weight Gain: Foods To Shed Those Extra Kilograms


PCOS Doesn’t Affect Chances of Pregnancy


Unfortunately, it does. It is one of the most common causes of infertility across the world. While few people with PCOS conceive naturally, others might require medicines coupled with lifestyle changes.


All Birth Control Pills Can Treat PCOS


Birth control pills are a highly recommended mode of treatment for those suffering from PCOS, however, not all pills aid in it achieving the intended results. These pills help in regulating the cycle by bringing down the levels of hydrogen and control menstrual bleeding. These pills also greatly reduce the risk of endometrial cancer. Talk to your doctor, to know about the right kind of pill.

Also Read: Women’s Health: 7 Incredible Herbs For Managing PCOS Naturally


PCOS Diet Can Cure The Disorder Completely


Well, lifestyle and dietary changes are always the first line of treatment, but patients require continuous monitoring with the help of medications, scans. PCOS is closely related to insulin resistance, and a low glycemic index diet plays a crucial part in managing this hormonal disorder. Regulated blood sugars also aid in bringing down the symptoms of PCOS.


PCOS Affects All Women and It is Easy To Diagnose


Not true. Though the reasons behind this hormonal disorder are unclear, not everyone is affected by PCOS. This condition often mimics hypothyroid, dysfunction of adrenal glands and the diagnosis is done carefully after running a battery of tests.