Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is a hormonal imbalance disorder affecting more than 20% of women in India. In patients suffering from PCOS, male hormone androgen gets secreted in larger amounts causing obesity, unwanted growth of hair, irregular periods, inflammation etc.

More than 50 per cent of women with PCOS suffer from overweight and its associated complications. Lifestyle changes, dietary modifications play a major role in dealing with this hormonal disorder and in losing weight.

PCOS and weight gain:The best foods to lose weight

Diet To Manage PCOS

High levels of androgen in patients suffering from PCOS leads to insulin resistance, causing overweight. It is imperative to manage insulin levels with the help of diet for losing those extra kilograms and also to regulate periods.

Choose your diet plan from the following foods to manage PCOS.

A Low Glycemic Index Diet

Foods that are low on glycemic index get digested very slowly preventing sudden spike of blood sugars. It also maintains levels of insulin, boosting metabolism and in turn losing weight. Low glycemic index foods include millets, whole grains, legumes, nuts, seeds, fruits, starchy vegetables, and other unprocessed foods.

Anti-Inflammatory Diet

Women with PCOS are prone to chronic inflammation, that can lead to severe insulin resistance, fatigue and weight gain. Go for a rich array of anti-inflammatory foods like berries, fatty fish, leafy greens, and extra virgin olive oil, that can not only lower inflammation and but also boost energy.

Whole Foods

Whole foods comprise natural, unprocessed foods that are rich in fibre and delay digestion. These foods get absorbed slowly, avoid hunger pangs and prevent you from overeating. Good source of whole foods includes whole-grain cereals, vegetables, nuts, seeds, healthy oils and lean meat.

Superfoods To Manage PCOS

Diet and nutrition play a tremendous role in managing weight, regulating hormone balance and also alleviate symptoms associated with PCOS. A wholesome diet with plenty of variety and adding superfoods can make healthy eating much simpler and easier to adapt.


Cinnamon with distinct aroma and flavour is a common spice in Indian cuisines. It is highly valuable for women with PCOS, as it exhibits a positive impact on insulin resistance. Cinnamon helps to boost metabolism, utilize energy and shed extra kilos. Adding this wonder spice in the diet can help women regulate the menstrual cycle.


Take 1 cup water, add 1/4   tsp. cinnamon powder and steep well for few minutes. Drink refreshing cinnamon tea daily on an empty stomach to correct hormonal imbalance.


Turmeric, the golden spice is heaped with incredible medicinal properties and therapeutic benefits. The potent antioxidant curcumin in turmeric decreases insulin resistance, while anti-inflammatory effects of turmeric help to stabilize hormonal imbalance and regularise menstrual cycle. Add a pinch of turmeric in your regular meal plan or consume turmeric tea regularly to manage PCOS.

Zinc Rich Foods

Zinc is an important mineral for uplifting reproductive health and boosts immunity as well. It plays a key role in controlling abnormal hair growth which is one of the symptoms of PCOS.Try to add beans, seafood, eggs, dairy and seeds in your daily diet regimen which are an abundant source of zinc.

Foods To Stay Away

Dairy Foods

All dairy foods are rich in insulin growth factor (IFG) which mimics the action of insulin in the body. High levels of insulin increase the levels of testosterone hormone worsening the symptoms of PCOS. A healthy alternative for dairy foods is rice milk, almond milk, oat milk and coconut milk.


Gluten foods in certain people may increase inflammation rate and can aggravate the symptoms of PCOS. Inflammation increases insulin resistance spiking the levels of testosterone hormone. In such a case, go gluten-free and choose from a wide range of millets.


Studies reveal that soy and soy products interfere with the ovulation cycle in a few women. Limit soy foods to regulate ovulation and periods.

Other Foods To Avoid

Refined carbohydrates such as pastries and white bread

Fried foods, fast foods and junk foods

Sugary beverages, sodas, and energy drinks

Saturated fats such as margarine, red meat, and sausages

Lifestyle Strategies To Follow

More than 50 per cent of women with PCOS suffer from overweight and its associated complications. Lifestyle changes and dietary modifications play a major role in dealing with this hormonal disorder and in losing weight. Though there is no cure for PCOS, adopting certain lifestyle strategies can effectively manage its symptoms and improve overall well-being lifestyle strategies that can help women navigate the challenges of PCOS.

 Regular Exercise

Physical activity is crucial for women with PCOS as it helps to regulate hormones, manage weight, and improve insulin sensitivity. Get at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity workouts per week such as brisk walking, cycling, or swimming. Incorporate strength training exercises to lose weight management, promote mental health and reduce stress, which are essential aspects of PCOS management.

Manage Stress Effectively

Engage in stress-reducing activities like yoga, meditation, deep breathing exercises, or mindfulness techniques. Prioritize self-care that promotes relaxation and rejuvenation, such as spending time in nature or reading books.

Get Quality Sleep

Adequate sleep is essential for hormone regulation, metabolism, and overall health. Get at least 7-9 hours of quality sleep per night to support your body's natural rhythms and functions. Cultivate a consistent sleep schedule, create a relaxing bedtime routine, and optimize your sleep environment for comfort and tranquillity.

Seek Professional Guidance

Consult with healthcare professionals specialising in PCOS management, such as gynaecologists, endocrinologists, or registered dietitians. Experts can provide personalised recommendations tailored to your individual needs and health status. Consider undergoing regular health screenings and monitoring your PCOS symptoms closely to track progress and make necessary adjustments to your lifestyle strategies.


  1. Obesity and Polycystic Ovary Syndrome - By Susan Sam, MD


  1. Obesity and Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: Implications for Pathogenesis and Novel Management Strategies

Thomas M Barber,1,2 Petra Hanson,1,2 Martin O Weickert,1,2,3 and Stephen Franks4
