It is just when we thought that the COVID-19 is slowly fading away, another new variant Omicron emerged, bringing back us the grim picture. This highly transmissible variant that was first discovered in South Africa in the end of November 2021, is spreading at a faster pace across the globe leading to hospitalizations. Though the fatality rate of this particular variant is not severe when compared to the Delta variant, it is its super contagious feature that is causing major concern.

Though medical experts believe that the impact of Omicron is ‘mild’, it cannot be taken lightly. Covid or not, the month of January usually witnesses highest number of flu or influenza cases and if you are suffering from cold, cough, fever, do not panic. It is advisable to be cautious than sorry and one should get tested immediately after the onset of symptoms.
Omicron Vs flu Vs cold symptoms

The symptoms of Omicron mimic influenza or cold like sore throat, runny nose, body ache and fever. Though cold is a common feature in these both conditions, there are other specific symptoms one should watch out for and would require immediate medical attention if affected by Omicron.

Also Read: Omicron: All You Need To Know About The New COVID-19 Variant  

The only way to detect COVID-19 is through RT-PCR test and the presence of Omicron is being done through genome testing. However, watchout for these following signs and symptoms for differentiating between influenza and Omicron.

Dry Cough:

Covid-19 (frequent), flu (frequent), cold (occasionally)


Covid-19 (frequent), flu (frequent), cold (rare)

Stuffy Nose:

Covid-19 (rare), flu (sometimes), cold (frequent)

Sore Throat:

Covid-19 (sometimes), flu (sometimes), cold (frequent)

Shortness of Breath:

Covid-19 (sometimes), flu (not observed), cold (not observed)


Covid-19 (sometimes), flu (frequent), cold (not observed)

Body Aches:

Covid-19 (sometimes), flu (frequent), cold (frequent)


Covid-19 (not observed), flu (not observed), cold (frequent)


Covid-19 (sometimes), flu (frequent), cold (sometimes)


Covid-19 (rare), flu (sometimes), cold (not observed)

(Source: Internet)

However, if you are experiencing severe cold, cough, fever, fatigue, headache get isolation. Go for RT-PCR test to rule out Coronavirus.

What Should I Do If Tested Positive?

  • Do not panic. Self-isolate and connect with your doctor
  • Check your vitals including oxygen saturation to rule out Happy Hypoxia
  • Take all your prescribed medications and other supplements like Vitamin C, as prescribed by the doctor
  • Always wear a mask while interacting with other family members. Maintain personal hygiene
  • In case of severe symptoms, get admitted to hospital without any delay