If you are one of those who stays put in your chair from 9 am to 5 pm, with no chance of slowing down at work, maintaining a healthy lifestyle is certainly a task.

High stress levels and anxiety at the workplace may lead to unhealthy and irregular eating habits which in turn can make you put on those extra kilograms.Healthy Office snacks

And while at office, it is nearly impossible to burn up those calories and chances of dehydration are also very high. One must make smarter eating choices that are low on calories, keep you hydrated for longer hours, and also help you lose weight!

5 Best Snack Options At Work

Roasted Channa:

White or black channa are loaded with protein, low on calories and high on taste. Soak channa overnight, saute in a little bit of oil with some salt. This is an amazingly tasty and healthy mid-day snack that can keep you full for few hours.


Nothing soothes your tummy like a yogurt. Pack some plain homemade yogurt or go for different fruit flavoured yogurts available in the market. Yogurt is a probiotic, helps good bacteria grow in the gut and is high on calcium, magnesium.

Mixed Nuts:

A fistful of mixed nuts is all you need to kill those hunger pangs. Take cashew, almonds, pista, raisins, flaxseeds in equal amounts daily. Nuts are low on calories, powerhouse of nutrients, omega 3 fatty acids. You can eat nuts raw or dry roasted with a sprinkling of salt.


Pack those fruits that wouldn’t require any cumbersome process like cleaning and cutting. Pack fresh bananas, grapes, oranges, sweet lime for your evening snack that is high on fibre and vitamins.

Protein Bars:

Protein bars are available in various flavours in the market. It is a healthy choice of snacks as protein bars are low on calories and added sugars. Go for a protein bar that will satisfy your hunger pangs.

Additional Tips

Say No To Junk:

Avoid junk eating completely during office hours. Binging on crunchy items, fried food, packed and processed food items harm your health and cause lifestyle issues like high blood pressure and diabetes. Limit foods with high starch content as well.

Vote For Home Food:

Home cooked meals are the best food. Make some time to cook fresh and it is the best way to satisfy your hunger pangs. And, you can also cook your food according to your tastes and preferences that please your taste buds.

Stay Hydrated:

Staying hydrated is one of the biggest tasks if you are working from office. Always keep a water bottle handy, keep filling in it with fresh plain water and sip on it regularly. Water is the best thing you can have as it has no calories and keeps you energized.

However, avoid cool, frizzy drinks completely at the work place. If permitted in the office, go for fresh juices rather than the packaged ones.