Mumps is a viral infection which causes swelling of the salivary glands (parotid gland). It can be transferred from one individual to other. Around 20% of affected population worldwide does not show any signs and indications. 

Boy with mumps

The symptoms are more visible in adults than in children and appears between 2-3 weeks of viral exposure. These includes; body pain, headache, reduced desire to eat, feeling nauseated, feeling lethargic/tired, low to high level fever, swelling of cheeks (one or both sides), trouble in eating, and pain in joints. 

The virus moves from respiratory area to salivary glands, expands its colony which leads to swelling. It is transferred through respiratory excretion, which includes; coughing and sneezing, eating from the same spoon and plate of an infected person, sharing food and drinks with infected person, and physical contact with infected person. Currently, there are no anti-viral treatment options available for mumps. 

There are some remedies that can be helpful in relieving the pain, which are consuming more water and fluid substances, avoid taking fruit juice and acidic substances, cold padding on the swollen area for pain relief, taking proper rest and sleep, Lukewarm water (with salt) gargles and using painkillers like ‘acetaminophen’ and ‘ibuprofen’ for temporary relief. Infants and children can be given MMR i.e. “measles, mumps and rubella” vaccines at an age of 12-15 months and 4-6 years, respectively. In serious conditions it is always advised to see a doctor.