The arrival of a newborn is a significant occasion in the life of any family. It's a time filled with joy, wonder, and endless possibilities. However, it can also be a period of great concern for new parents who want to ensure the best possible start for their precious little one. This is where Newborn Care Week comes into play which is earmarked from November 15 to November 21. This annual observance is a reminder of the significance of proper newborn care and reduces the rate of infant mortality and morbidity. This year’s theme is ‘Safety, quality and nurturing care - birth right of every newborn’.

The theme emphasises guaranteeing every newborn with a quality and developmental supportive healthcare system offering utmost safety and dignity at all service delivery platforms including hospitals, community outreach and at homes.
new born care week

As per statistics childhood pneumonia continues to be the primary cause of infant deaths in the nation, contributing to 14% of under 5 mortality rates. This health campaign mainly works hard to eradicate neonatal deaths and increase the survival rate.

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Taking care of your newborn is very important, as the first 28 days of the baby’s life, also known as the neonatal period, is very crucial for the child and eventually lays the foundation for lifelong health and development. Utmost care should be taken during this phase as it carries the maximum risk of infant mortality.

Neonatal Health Problems

The neonate is highly vulnerable to certain health conditions, as the infant’s immunity has not developed yet. Some of the health complications that can affect your child in the first 28 days include:

  • Neonatal infections
  • Respiratory distress
  • Lung damage from mechanical ventilation
  • A collapsed lung
  • Rapid breathing

Also Read: Newborn Care Week: Dos & Don’ts With Your Little One

Effective Ways To Care For Your Newborn


Breastfeeding: Breast milk is the complete source of nutrition for the baby that supports growth and development. It provides essential nutrients and antibodies that help protect against infections and diseases. It is recommended to exclusively breastfeed the baby for the first six months.


Bathing: Newborns do not need daily baths. Bathing them two to three times a week is usually sufficient. Ensure the water is lukewarm, and use a mild, fragrance-free baby soap.

Diapering: Ensure that your baby's diaper is changed frequently to avert diaper rash. Clean the diaper area gently and apply a diaper cream if necessary.


Follow the recommended immunization schedule to protect your baby from vaccine-preventable diseases. Consult your paediatrician to ensure your child receives the necessary vaccines.


Generally, newborns sleep for more than 20 hours a day, however, their sleep patterns can be erratic. Make a safe sleep environment by placing your baby on their back in a crib with no loose bedding or toys. Always keep an eye on your baby when they are asleep.


Spend quality time bonding with your baby through skin-to-skin contact, gentle cuddling, and talking to them. This fosters emotional and psychological development.

Also Read: Newborn Care Week 2022: 5 Must-Have Skin Care Essentials For Your Baby – Infographics

Health Check-ups

Schedule regular well-baby check-ups with your paediatrician to monitor your baby's growth and development. Address any concerns or questions you may have during these visits.


Babyproof your home by securing cabinets, covering electrical outlets, and removing any hazards within the baby's reach.

Seek Support

Don't hesitate to seek support from healthcare professionals, support groups, or experienced family members. Parenting can be a tedious task, and having a support system can be invaluable and help you enjoy this phase of life.

Newborn Care Week serves as a reminder of the critical role of parents and healthcare providers in delivering optimal beginnings for your newborn. Adhering to suggested practices for infant care is key to ensuring the overall well-being, health, and joy of your little one. Each baby is distinct, and what proves effective for one may not be suitable for another. Trust your instincts and seek advice when necessary. With proper care, your newborn will flourish and develop into a content and healthy child.