Becoming a new dad brings intense joy but dealing with the difficulties of parenthood can ease the stresses and challenges ahead. The best way to have a positive start to fatherhood is to get hands on the daily care of the baby from the beginning.

New Dad holding his baby

However, depression is a most common disorder among new fathers. Talk therapy along with some medication can be an effective treatment to fight against depression. Talking to other new fathers about their experience is beneficial. New fathers also face a significant amount of stress. One factor that could be responsible is limited paternity leave. Take enough time off to spend with the new born before getting to regular work. Playing with the baby helps in dissipating tension and builds trust and good relationships. Sharing responsibilities with partner or family such as feeding, diaper changes and crying spell with the partner could help.

Scheduling too many things in a single day is not a good idea since it takes longer than usual when baby is involved. There are some strategies to cope with the sleep deprivation. The first important thing is to conserve your energy.

Resting as much is the best way to combat sleep deprivation. If the partner is still pregnant, attending prenatal classes can be useful to understand what is expected during labour, delivery and taking care of the new-born.